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The Great Commission

The Great Commission

When Christ’s redemptive work was complete he gathered his disciples and, with “all authority in heaven and on earth”, commissioned them (and every subsequent generation) to get serious about their job of propagating the gospel (Matthew 28:18-20). The central verb of this passage is straightforward and notably uncomplicated: “make disciples!” Between the two advents of Christ
Real Missions

Real Missions

The Book of Acts is a story about first century Christians who, by today’s popular standards, would be considered brash, judgmental, narrow-minded zealots who were fueled by some sort of spiritual imperialism devoid of any real empathy, care or compassion...

Ask Pastor Mike

Ask Pastor Mike-Can We Trust the Bible?

Ask Pastor Mike-Can We Trust the Bible?

Can we trust the Bible? That's a good questions. Pastor Mike Fabarez answers this question, giving us reasons why the Bible is so reliable with "A Batting Average You Can't Beat." December 29, 2023


A Good Example

A Good Example

Living a Life That's Worth Following 1 Timothy 4:12
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