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August Free Gift

If you have never contacted Focal Point before, we have a free gift for you.   The Pamphlet: Christianity, Cults…

Questions & Answers 2024-Part 2

Pastor Mike answers questions about God, the Bible, and Christianity. Questions in this session: Should we believe in a "young…

Questions & Answers 2024-Part 1

Pastor Mike answers questions about God, the Bible, and Christianity. Questions in this session: How do we discern pride in…

Right Side of History

These days we often hear cultural pundits speak about the need for everyone to get “on the right side of history.” Now there’s some media commentary I can get behind. I am all for it! In a fundamental sense, calling people...

Loving God With All

Many today suppose that a periodic acknowledgment of God or a half-hearted recognition of Christ should be sufficient to avoid any concerns come Judgment Day. “As long as I am not an atheist or a murderer and I believe in the Man upstairs,” they presume, “then I should be okay.” Perhaps we are partly to blame

Christian Life

Some have tried to avoid the concept of “Christ’s life for me and my life for Christ” depicted in the gospel exchange (cf. 2Cor.5:15; Mt.13:44-46; Lk.14:28-33; Mt.10:37-39; et al.) by imagining a dichotomy in the Christian life. They suggest that there are...
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