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Empty Promises

Empty Promises

While the world holds out the promise of happiness, fulfillment and satisfaction, the Bible warns us not to believe it. We live in a world’s system that tries desperately to convince us that if we just had a little more of what the world offers
Good News

Good News

To trust in Jesus as the sole provision for my acceptance before God is the essence of the gospel. But by definition this gospel cannot be the same as a gospel which allows you to trust in Jesus plus something else. Many are glad when they find those who “love Jesus” and are quick to consider them


The Gospel-Part 1

The Gospel-Part 1

Avoiding the Mistake of Tinkering with the Gospel Galatians 1:6-12


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New Testament Survey

New Testament Survey

Focal Point U provides seminary-style study series by Pastor Mike Fabarez that take you through the different branches of theology.   While most Christians are well familiar with the basic…

Our Beliefs

Our Beliefs

The sixty-six books of the Bible were given by the inspiration of God's Spirit and are not the product of human creativity or ingenuity (2 Pt 1:20-21). Every word of…

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