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December 12, 2023

December 12, 2023


Questions in this episode:

  1. 12:45 – James 2:19 says that even the demons believe, and in 1 John 4, we as Christians can differentiate a true Spirit and a wrong Spirit, if you believe that Jesus came in the flesh that it’s a true Spirit. Can you please explain this because if based off James 2:19, the demons believed Jesus came in the Spirit.
  2. 22:34 – Denomination or non-denomination, is it ok to go to a denominational church as long as they are teaching the word?
  3. 30:53 – What is your opinion on the tv series The Chosen?
  4. 42:52 – Address the debate on Christmas being pagan vs Christian?
  5. 58:32 – There are verses in the Bible that says not to put tattoos on the body, I have a tattoo on my ankle, should I be concerned?
  6. 1:01:59 – Why do the Jews wear side curls, why do they wear their hair long?

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