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December 12, 2024

December 12, 2024

Questions in this episode:

  1. 3:07 – Is the Shroud of Turin the real burial cloth of Christ?
  2. 6:33 – How can we be assured of our salvation?
  3. 12:47 – Can you explain in 1 John 5:16-17 what the sin that does not lead to death is?
  4. 21:44 – I’m married to an unbeliever, am I sinning everyday with my choice?
  5. 30:18 – As a Christian, how do I stop the intrusive bad thoughts that pop into my head?
  6. 40:15 – How do we address an elder in our church who is involved in Free Masonry?
  7. 51:00 – Do you think the bible teaches that the persons of the trinity are distinguished by eternal relations of authority and submission? Is the son eternally functionally subordinate to the father? Even pre-incarnation?

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