December 19, 2024
Questions in this episode:
- 3:13 – These two verse on blindness seem to contradict each other. Can you explain the difference between 2 Corinthians 4:4 and John 9:39-41?
- 8:27 – Why do Christians try to make the creation story fit into the scientific framework of today?
- 16:20 – Does any child or person who does not reach the age of accountability automatically go to heaven?
- 27:10 – What is your view of demon possession in the modern age and do we differentiate it from psychological issues?
- 35:44 – Why did God choose the Jews as his chosen people? And why did he separate the Gentiles if we are all the same?
- 44:57 – Did Adam & Eve have belly buttons? Where did Cain get his wife?
- 50:52 – If a transgender person alters the flesh is it like telling God he made a mistake?
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