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December 28, 2023

December 28, 2023


Questions in this episode:

  1. 2:30 – What is Expository Preaching?
  2. 8:50 – Our kids are older and continue to follow the world, what suggestions to you have in us as parents helping them to not go down the wrong path?
  3. 23:16 – What does the average Catholic think of the Protestant?
  4. 27:42 – After the 1000 year reign of Christ when Satan is released, will he be able to harm people during that time period?
  5. 32:08 – There are many features of the tabernacle of the Old Testament that correspond to Jesus. What about the Ark of the Covenant, are there any parallels to Jesus?
  6. 38:35 – (9 yr old caller) How do I know if I am a Christian or not?
  7. 45:35 – With God being all knowing, why did He wait weeks to get information to people based on several scripture passages?

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