July 9, 2024
Questions in this episode:
- 3:35 – What does the Bible say about Creation?
- 10:21 – What are we to make of Paul and his struggle with sin in Romans 7?
- 13:50 – Do infants go to Heaven when they die?
- 19:50 – What about the different levels of Heaven mentioned in the Bible?
- 24:15 – Can you please explain Rewards in Heaven and how we earn them as well as the Great White throne judgement?
- 30:22 – When someone accepts Christ but does not go to church or read her bible, do they go to Heaven?
- 39:50 – Can you please explain what Paul says in the NT, to be absent from the body, is to be present with the Lord and it’s association with Sheol and Abraham’s bosom?
- 48:15 – From Revelations, is it possible that any of the 144 thousand are still alive today or do they become believers during the Tribulation?
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