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October 26, 2023

October 26, 2023


Questions in this episode:

  1. 2:59 – A couple lives together before marriage and is having sexual relations and then decide to get married, what do you think of that? How does God look at that marriage and how does God view them as individuals?
  2. 13:18 – How is the believer’s child sanctified? Should a couple try to stay together because the child is sanctified?
  3. 17:38 – Can your name be taken out of the Book of Life?
  4. 21:47 – What does it mean when Jesus says, “The first will be last and the last first?”
  5. 31:32 – Why is Planet Earth only capitalized in Genesis 1:10 and not anywhere else in the Bible?
  6. 37:24 – Did Adam and Eve have children before they were kicked out of the Garden? What happened to Cain and where did he go and who was he afraid was going to kill him?
  7. 47:50 – Did God know that Adam and Eve were going to eat from the forbidden tree? If He did, why didn’t He intervene? In the garden, why does the snake ever say anything if it’s a Holy place, how is evil even in there?

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