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October 31, 2024

October 31, 2024

Questions in this episode:

  1. 1:03 – It’s Reformation Day
  2. 6:50 – How do I talk to a friend who says that the Holy Spirit prompts him to do everything in life, including eating or showed him this or that?
  3. 11:46 – I survived a bad car accident, I am guessing that I have a purpose in life and how do we know what that purpose is?
  4. 14:30 – In 1 Timothy 2:2, how does this verse line up with being in spiritual warfare?
  5. 18:24 – Is it wrong for Christians to dress up and celebrate Halloween?
  6. 27:59 – Why did God command a man to be stoned for picking up sticks on the Sabbath, but Jesus told a man to pick up and carry his bed on the Sabbath?
  7. 32:47 – Where did Adam and Eve go after the flood, and could the Garden of Eden be where Jerusalem is now?
  8. 35:45 – I am a single woman of color and looked at as carnal and I am new to the area. I am not interested in anyone who I would not be equally yoked with. How can I express this to the public?
  9. 44:31 – What should Christians think about war?

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