October 9, 2024
Questions in this episode:
- 15:43 – I was baptized 5 years back, and someone recently asked me if I was baptized in the Spirit as well. Can you explain what is meant by baptized in the Spirit?
- 22:36 – My sibling was baptized at a young age, and is now 40, recently changed from a denomination of Presbyterian to Baptist and has made the decision to be baptized again, what does scripture have to say about this?
- 26:16 – Does salvation in Christ, where you confess sin and repent, save you once and for all, from all sin past, present and future?
- 31:25 – I have some family and friends that are involved in a sinful lifestyle and when I read the Bible, 1 Corinthians says that they will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Do these verses apply to Christians who have some kind of immoral sin in their life? If we accept them as they are, do we lose inheriting the Kingdom of God?
- 43:45 – I know the Devil whispers to us lies, someone told me he is in the second Heaven and he has the power to effect the weather, hurricanes and so forth, what can you say about this?
- 49:47 – What do I do with someone who is a domineering unsaved sister who tries to run my God fearing Christian life?
- 51:37 – During the millennium will there be an churches? I know Jesus will be King in Jerusalem, I also know that people will be born during the millennium but they will have a sinful nature. How will these people know about Jesus?
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