Questions in this episode:
- 3:40 – Does God ever give up on people?
- 7:36 – How can I know that my salvation is secure?
- 24:59 – My husband says he is a Christian, but he doesn’t want to tithe to our church. What can I do about that?
- 35:59 – Believers will be in the New Jerusalem, but what is happening on the rest of the New Earth?
- 42:32 – In 2 Kings 3:27 the King of Moab offers his son as a burnt offering, but there is great wrath against Israel. What is going on here?
- 48:07 – Regarding seminary, is there a difference from Baptist, Pentecostal, Charismatic, etc. seminary in the title? How would I discern the best fit of where to study under?
- 51:57 – When all the first born were killed in Exodus, does that mean if a father was alive, his son and his son’s son died too? All generations?
- 53:05 – Why is there a long list of do’s and don’ts in the Old Testament?
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Questions in this episode:
- 3:24 – Are people today still being possessed by demons like we see in the Bible?
- 10:20 – My transgender son insists that I call him by his new name and gender, how should I handle this as a Christian?
- 21:17 – My wife left me and took everything. Is this abandonment and grounds for a divorce?
- 29:44 – When Moses is speaking with God, God is angry and wants to destroy everyone. Why do we want to follow a God like that?
- 35:39 – How do we identify and address the wolves in sheep’s clothing in churches today?
- 42:55 – My wife is having intimate conversations with her exes, what do I do?
- 48:53 – Is Judas in Hell and why?
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Questions in this episode:
- 3:42 – Concerning original sin where do children and babies go when they die?
- 15:05 – How do we talk to Mormons about the verses that talk about gods?
- 28:34 – How do I move forward from a major injustice by my son? How do I forgive and forget?
- 35:39 – What’s the difference between the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit?
- 43:14 – How do I tell the difference between demonic attacks and mental illness?
- 48:42 – If I don’t have a church, is it okay to donate to a Christian charity?
- 50:43 – Can you explain Moses’ blessing? Is this prophecy?
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Questions in this episode:
- 2:50 – Can you help me how to trust God and his promises even during difficult times?
- 13:33 – Does sentimentalism or emotionalism have any place in the church? How should our feelings inform our thoughts?
- 33:33 – In the Book of Isaiah verse 43:66, is this passage written as prophecy or was it actually written during the Babylonian captivity?
- 45:58 – Does Israel becoming a nation again in 1948 fulfill any specific prophecy?
- 50:53 – We read in Genesis 32:24 of Jacob wrestling with a heavenly being, is this Christ wrestling with Jacob?
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Questions in this episode:
- 4:09 – How do I deal with family members who won’t care for our aging parents?
- 18:29 – Can you understand why a person might not believe everything in the Bible?
- 29:11 – Encouragement for those who are caring for aging parents.
- 38:04 – How are we supposed to understand natural disasters? Did God ordain these?
- 48:17 – Can you explain what it means to be unequally yoked?
- 50:18 – Who is the Angel of the Lord?
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Questions in this episode:
- 2:36 – What is the difference between spirit and soul?
- 9:39 – If I don’t have a church, but give to a Christian organization, is that okay?
- 11:49 – How should married couples approach prayer?
- 13:13 – Can you explain the difference between a moralist and a Christian?
- 19:49 – What was the benefit or result of Job’s testing?
- 38:22 – In the story of the adulteress woman in John 8, why wasn’t the man also brought to Jesus?
- 42:40 – What is going on in 1 Corinthians 7:11, 15 about marriage?
- 48:54 – If nobody has ever seen God, how did Moses see mercy in his eyes?
- 52:23 – Is it a sin to watch shows that take the Lord’s name in vain?
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Questions in this episode:
- 4:30 – Regarding Deuteronomy 14:28, how should we view our tithes and who we give to?
- 7:22 – Who is the author of the Book of Revelation?
- 12:43 – Why don’t more pastors get involved in social/political issues?
- 15:59 – Can a Christian participate in mixed martial arts?
- 19:38 – If the Spirit moves in the church, shouldn’t that start with the pastors, including all the gifts of the Spirit?
- 37:29 – When do you think Satan fell? Did Jesus pay for the world’s sins at age 33 and was Adam 33 when they sinned?
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Questions in this episode:
- 3:24 – Why does God allow evil in the world?
- 12:06 – Do you believe in the literal truth of book of Genesis? over 400 hundred year old Noah building a boat etc.? Or do you think it is not literally true?
- 23:23 – Question on the gift of prophecy. Specifically, I’m trying to understand what’s going on in 1 Sam 19. Do we have an idea what this “prophesying” is?
- 28:02 – Why do people say Rest In Peace regarding the deceased? How did that become a thing?
- 31:49 – How did the world populate with Adam and Eve being the only two people to start?
- 37:07 – Do you think the earth is about 6,000 years old?
- 41:42 – Should we be going to church on Saturday which is supposedly the Sabbath?
- 50:03 – How do we understand the Trinity when the Bible says the Lord our God is one?
- 54:08 – What does it mean when it says that he who denies the Father and the Son is the antichrist?
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Questions in this episode:
- 3:14 – When did Mary & Joseph get married?
- 5:48 – Why did Luke not cover the trip to Egypt?
- 8:33 – Do you have book recommendations for resolving difficulties in the Bible?
- 10:57 – Before Christ was incarnate, what form did he take?
- 19:06 – How can a person be sure they don’t take the mark of the beast on accident?
- 23:24 – Should we be concerned with the kind and type of worship music played in church?
- 33:17 – What do you think about the Daystar scandal?
- 35:40 – What does this verse mean, “by his stripes we are healed?”
- 40:06 – Can you help me understand the Trinity?
- 45:05 – How can we determine which religion and deity represent the true faith and why do you consider Christianity is the true one?
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Questions in this episode:
- 5:16 – What should we do if we hear someone twisting Scripture?
- 7:29 – Is there Scripture that speaks to family planning: marriage, birth control, etc?
- 11:42 – My son-in-law has a YouTube platform and he twists the Bible, what is my responsibility to my grandson to educate him correctly about the Bible?
- 17:48 – When a non-Christian dies, where do they go?
- 24:22 – Jesus said when you pray to go into the closet and shut the door so no one hears. So why do we pray in church or other gatherings?
- 27:40 – Can you be spiritual without Jesus?
- 33:32 – If God does not count our parents sins against the child how do we reconcile Ezekiel 18:20 & Daniel 6:24?
- 36:52 – Do we stay loyal or faithful to an organization if the leadership is faulty or broken?
- 45:51 – How would you handle a pro-abortion atheist, who says that it’s good because the aborted fetuses will go to heaven?
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Questions in this episode:
- 3:13 – These two verse on blindness seem to contradict each other. Can you explain the difference between 2 Corinthians 4:4 and John 9:39-41?
- 8:27 – Why do Christians try to make the creation story fit into the scientific framework of today?
- 16:20 – Does any child or person who does not reach the age of accountability automatically go to heaven?
- 27:10 – What is your view of demon possession in the modern age and do we differentiate it from psychological issues?
- 35:44 – Why did God choose the Jews as his chosen people? And why did he separate the Gentiles if we are all the same?
- 44:57 – Did Adam & Eve have belly buttons? Where did Cain get his wife?
- 50:52 – If a transgender person alters the flesh is it like telling God he made a mistake?
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Questions in this episode:
- 3:47 – Is there a difference between those saved before the Tribulation and those saved during the Tribulation. Are we all going to be together in the Millennial Kingdom?
- 12:45 – What do you think the saints are doing in heaven right now?
- 20:00 – I have a lot of tattoos that I got before I was a Christian. Now as a Christian, should I cover them or not worry about them?
- 33:54 – How did the disciples know that it was Elijah and Moses that appeared during Jesus’ transfiguration?
- 36:46 – Should we be concerned with evangelism to professing Catholics?
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Questions in this episode:
- 8:15 – In Daniel 12 it talks about the days of the tribulation, but there are multiple days mentioned. How do we make sense of this?
- 12:24 – If all our past, present and future sins were forgiven on the cross, why do we have to daily confess our sins?
- 17:47 – In light of Paul’s struggle in Romans 7:14-25, is he a Christian at this time or not?
- 24:33 – Why does John the Baptist in Luke 18 doubt that Jesus is the Messiah?
- 34:00 – What’s your opinion on churches using credal confessions especially including them in their doctrinal statement?
- 45:37 – Any recommendations for books on raising girls?
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Questions in this episode:
- 3:07 – Is the Shroud of Turin the real burial cloth of Christ?
- 6:33 – How can we be assured of our salvation?
- 12:47 – Can you explain in 1 John 5:16-17 what the sin that does not lead to death is?
- 21:44 – I’m married to an unbeliever, am I sinning everyday with my choice?
- 30:18 – As a Christian, how do I stop the intrusive bad thoughts that pop into my head?
- 40:15 – How do we address an elder in our church who is involved in Free Masonry?
- 51:00 – Do you think the bible teaches that the persons of the trinity are distinguished by eternal relations of authority and submission? Is the son eternally functionally subordinate to the father? Even pre-incarnation?
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Questions in this episode:
- 6:00 – Who are the 144,00 in Revelation?
- 18:34 – Why do Roman Catholics believe in Purgatory?
- 25:19 – Do the feasts and festivals have any correlation to the return of Christ?
- 35:39 – How do I grapple honoring my parents when they are Catholic and hostile towards me, my wife, and kids?
- 44:22 – What does it mean to blaspheme the Holy Spirit?
- 48:26 – What do you think Jesus’ age was when he died?
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Questions in this episode:
- 3:44 – Can you lose your salvation?
- 10:50 – What is the difference between the Day of the Lord, the Millennial Kingdom and the Revelation End Times?
- 22:50 – I always feel anxious, what do I do about that?
- 40:00 – Is a Christian living in sin still a Christian? What does 1 Corinthians 5:5 have to do with this?
- 49:04 – Can you explain the sanctification process and how long does it go on?
- 52:02 – I have neighbors that are into dark things, are demons real?
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Questions in this episode:
- 1:03 – It’s Reformation Day
- 6:50 – How do I talk to a friend who says that the Holy Spirit prompts him to do everything in life, including eating or showed him this or that?
- 11:46 – I survived a bad car accident, I am guessing that I have a purpose in life and how do we know what that purpose is?
- 14:30 – In 1 Timothy 2:2, how does this verse line up with being in spiritual warfare?
- 18:24 – Is it wrong for Christians to dress up and celebrate Halloween?
- 27:59 – Why did God command a man to be stoned for picking up sticks on the Sabbath, but Jesus told a man to pick up and carry his bed on the Sabbath?
- 32:47 – Where did Adam and Eve go after the flood, and could the Garden of Eden be where Jerusalem is now?
- 35:45 – I am a single woman of color and looked at as carnal and I am new to the area. I am not interested in anyone who I would not be equally yoked with. How can I express this to the public?
- 44:31 – What should Christians think about war?
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Questions in this episode:
- 5:34 – Can you clarify “Good Works without Faith is Dead,” and “Faith without Good Works is dead?”
- 17:05 – Is there an issue with a christian spouse going through a Catholic Consolidation ceremony if their other spouse who is Catholic wants to have one? Is there a way I can support the Christian spouse that I know?
- 21:27 – How do I address a stressed relationship between my two daughters?
- 31:00 – Can you comment on God and Jonah in reference to me losing my job and it being the first time ever losing a job?
- 38:55 – I was saved and relapsed several times, drugs and not seeking God at all, if I had died during my addiction, would I have gone to Heaven or Hell?
- 47:49 – In reference to Isaiah 3:12, in light of the election, what is your take on this verse in regards to women ruling?
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Questions in this episode:
- 5:30 – Where is it found in the Bible about one third of the angels falling?
- 10:08 – Is Job 9:33 about Jesus and His coming ministry to save us?
- 17:49 – How can there be a pre-tribulation rapture when it says that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God until the last trumpet?
- 21:59 – Will pets of believers be taken up during the rapture or will they have to face the tribulation?
- 25:50 – Gentleman calling back for a followup on his question about the word Rosh in Ezekiel 38.
- 31:00 – There are many righteous people rising from the dead in Matthew 27 when Jesus is on the cross. Did they get new bodies and did those new bodies ascend to Heaven when Jesus did? Is this what could be meant by He lead many captives in his train?
- 37:16 – Why does the Devil seem to target children?
- 40:31 – What is the biblical understanding of Christians and guns? And how does that relate to trusting God in every situation?
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Questions in this episode:
- 4:45 – Do you think it is important for Christians to actively engage in politics to uphold Christian values and influence positive changes?
- 15:15 – Where does it say to pay preachers or church people to serve in the church
- 21:09 – On the 1,000 year reign of Christ, when he comes to rule the Earth and satan is locked up, are the people that don’t do what they are supposed to get kicked into Hell?
- 28:20 – What indicators do you consider when you are contemplating a calling to the ministry, are there specific signs you look for or any other way you seek to confirm your belief with potential candidates?
- 45:23 – Do we receive our Heavenly bodies as soon as we die or when the rapture happens? If it’s not until the rapture, what happens to our soul or spirit when we die?
- 48:34 – When did Jesus die? Is it on Thursday or Friday, if it was Friday how do we get the three days?
- 52:23 – For this season, what do you think about Christians using things like pumpkins in their yard and putting Christian symbols on them like a Cross?
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Questions in this episode:
- 4:31 – Do you have any insight on how a Christian should vote and what should drive their choices of candidates?
- 14:37 – Was in a bad relationship that I left, she still contacts me and I feel pulled back but know that it’s a bad relationship and should not go back. What are you thoughts on that?
- 22:05 – Do you think that Charles Spurgeon was a good Bible teacher, with good theology and sound doctrine?
- 33:26 – What is the difference in having the Holy Spirit at the time of salvation fill you versus being filled with the Holy Spirit as a believer?
- 40:13 – As Christians, should we require the Bible to be required in public school curriculums? Has that kind of mandatory required religious teaching ever been beneficial to evangelism?
- 50:11 – Follow up to Question last week on Ezekiel 38 on the word Rosh…NKJV and KJV (Question #2 on 10/17/2024)
- 53:16 – What is a divorced man’s responsibility to his ex-wife and family if she is not a Christian?
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Questions in this episode:
- 1:49 – What would you say to someone who says that 2 Samuel 12:8 is an endorsement of polygamy by God? And, if one of the wives to the person in the village who had two wives, dies, would you then consider him eligible for service or is the fact that he had two wives disqualified?
- 15:30 – Pastor Mike follows up on an answer to an old question that he corrected…According to Ezekiel 38:2, how did they arrive on the name Rosh in NKJV and not other translations?
- 20:58 – As a soon to be 1st time mom, is it biblically a good idea or not to go trick or treating on Halloween?
- 34:40 – What is your opinion of the role of teaching from the pulpit being reserved for men only and not women?
- 41:50 – Will we be in glorified bodies in the millennium? Will there be sin in the millennium? Will we as Christians be led astray in the millennium and who is in the millennium?
- 47:40 – A house bill is on the ballot here in South Dakota and our pastors and board refuse to allow posters to be put up to vote against this bill. The pastor said that it is not their role is not primarily political, what is your take on this?
- 52:24 – Can you divorce a non believing, abusive spouse who breaks me down, who is checked out financial and intimately and still be able to remarry?
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Questions in this episode:
- 9:26 – Please explain Ezekiel’s Temple in Ezekiel Ch 40-47.
- 28:54 – Would Jesus have lived beyond the crucifixion, would his body have gone on to live had God not subjected him to death?
- 36:44 – What’s the difference between God showing partiality and God showing favor?
- 43:23 – What about infant salvation? And when the rapture happens, will children be taken up as well?
- 50:38 – Just found out that two Deacon’s at our church have association with the Free Masonry, what is your input?
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Questions in this episode:
- 15:43 – I was baptized 5 years back, and someone recently asked me if I was baptized in the Spirit as well. Can you explain what is meant by baptized in the Spirit?
- 22:36 – My sibling was baptized at a young age, and is now 40, recently changed from a denomination of Presbyterian to Baptist and has made the decision to be baptized again, what does scripture have to say about this?
- 26:16 – Does salvation in Christ, where you confess sin and repent, save you once and for all, from all sin past, present and future?
- 31:25 – I have some family and friends that are involved in a sinful lifestyle and when I read the Bible, 1 Corinthians says that they will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Do these verses apply to Christians who have some kind of immoral sin in their life? If we accept them as they are, do we lose inheriting the Kingdom of God?
- 43:45 – I know the Devil whispers to us lies, someone told me he is in the second Heaven and he has the power to effect the weather, hurricanes and so forth, what can you say about this?
- 49:47 – What do I do with someone who is a domineering unsaved sister who tries to run my God fearing Christian life?
- 51:37 – During the millennium will there be an churches? I know Jesus will be King in Jerusalem, I also know that people will be born during the millennium but they will have a sinful nature. How will these people know about Jesus?
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Questions in this episode:
- 5:14 – Sanctification, what is it and is it an on going process or is there a point we reach in this life?
- 10:56 – Is Jesus’ name manmade?
- 18:30 – What is your opinion on Christians being prejudiced and showing hatred toward an ethnic group of people?
- 27:55 – When you are working on yourself, how often should you look outside yourself for the assistance of other Christians?
- 30:18 – I am curious about suicide and the sovereignty of God, especially when a Christian decided to do it?
- 42:57 – Jesus defeats Satan on the Cross, so how does Satan continue to tempt us, harass us and accuse us, what kind of defeat did Jesus accomplish?
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Questions in this episode:
- 7:22 – How do you describe to someone who believes that it is ok to be nude in front of others that it is wrong?
- 13:26 – A friend is owed money from another friend who hasn’t shown any interest in paying him, I suggested he let it go and give it to God and walk away and God will take care of you.
- 21:00 – In response to Luke 17:2, do you think this verse is relevant to a lack of modesty? As a husband, what is my responsibility to what my wife wears in the modesty department?
- 32:37 – Can you explain the different perspectives of each event described in the 4 Gospels, they seem to be so different?
- 45:40 – Based on a previous question about modesty and who’s responsibility it is, why isn’t it the responsibility of the sinner?
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Questions in this episode:
- 5:45 – Would it be ok to walk away from a marriage to a spouse who is an addict?
- 20:37 – How do we access the Holy Spirit and is there a difference between the Holy Spirit dwelling in and coming upon one as talked about in a Youtube video I watched?
- 37:14 – Are the distractions in Worship designed by the enemy to pull me away from drawing closer to God?
- 45:40 – Do you think that Paul is one of the 12 in Revelations verse Mathias?
- 52:13 – Is being addicted to the nicotine patch a sin?
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Questions in this episode:
- 4:50 – What do you have to say about Trump saying that if we do not vote for him that in 2 years Israel will not be around anymore?
- 10:22 – What is your advice on being gracious towards family when they are choosing things that intentionally invite conflict?
- 18:21 – How do you interpret Habakkuk 3:3?
- 27:25 – How would you talk with someone who says that they read a report of something in a book that isn’t biblical? For example, there is a book that interviews children and then claims reincarnation.
- 34:15 – Explain Revelation 12:14
- 44:49 – Earlier in the program, PM commented on that he didn’t think President Trump was a Christian and this caller was calling to comment on that.
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Questions in this episode:
- 1:39 – Is there extra biblical text on Paul’s early life and on his parents as in Acts 22:28, and how did Paul obtain his Roman citizenship?
- 3:44 – What does it mean in Mark 9:40 when Jesus tells John, those who are not for us are against us?
- 11:42 – What are your thoughts, is the Jezebel spirit more prominent now that we are getting closer to the end times and have you noticed this playing a role in divorce instigated by the wife?
- 21:46 – Can you recommend books on prophecy in the Bible were fulfilled but that the Bible doesn’t tell about the fulfillment?
- 25:19 – In the Gospel of John 3:5, what does the water refer to?
- 33:22 – What does it mean when Jesus says “be perfect as your heavenly father is perfect”?
- 38:02 – With God being Omniscient, did God know that Abraham was going to sacrifice Isaac on the alter?
- 47:55 – What is your input about praying for healing for people but also praying for it to be according to God’s Will?
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Questions in this episode:
- 5:24 – Can you please explain the text in John 3:13 with Jesus talking to Nicodemus about the son of man in heaven?
- 13:03 – Will there be children born during the tribulation?
- 15:36 – What is the Age of accountability?
- 28:33 – Please explain chosen, election and predestination as written in Ephesians 1:4-5 and how do you communicate that God has elected some to Heaven and some to eternal torment?
- 39:22 – What is your stance on worship music and what is and isn’t acceptable when it comes to who is writing the music, what the music says or what it’s context in which the songs are written?
- 51:10 – I want to start a business, according to the scriptures ‘Do not lay up your treasures on earth but in heaven”, does this include wanting to save up an inheritance for my children and their children?
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Questions in this episode:
- 9:14 – Does everyone struggle with faith that God has forgiven us for our sins?
- 17:39 – How do I talk to my family member who had converted to Catholicism after being raised Baptist?
- 31:53 – If the thief on the cross never had a relationship with Christ, how is he in the Kingdom with Christ?
- 37:15 – I have been married and divorced and remarried to a divorced woman, and in partaking in adultery?
- 45:12 – What actually occurred after Jesus’ death and what did he mean by “today you will be with me in paradise”?
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Questions in this episode:
- 5:44 – Do you see any correlation between Peter saying that baptism saves you and the connection between the water and being carried through water judgement and Jesus being our arch. Any validity to that interpretation?
- 18:15 – What part of our bodies are actually the soul?
- 28:07 – Any thoughts on if the rapture were to happen today, how do you think that the main stream media would try to explain it away? Is there a chance that when the rapture happens that there are not that many Christians in the world when the rapture comes?
- 35:14 – What memories will we retain in Heaven?
- 40:24 – What does Paul mean in 1 Corinthians 7:36-38?
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Questions in this episode:
- 3:35 – In Psalm 139:14, I understand the wonderful part but what about the fearful part, what does that mean?
- 10:16 – How can you advise a Christian to have a good and Godly response to a disagreement over something trivial with a friend that seems to have damaged the relationship?
- 16:37 – What does it mean, because of the angels in 1 Corinthians 11:10?
- 23:30 – When does the Pentecostal Church say you have the Holy Spirit?
- 32:11 – What are you thoughts on, for example and actor playing the role of Jesus or a toddler working on a coloring page during the worship service in regards to the 2nd Commandment?
- 43:49 – Can you please explain the interpretation of the text in John 3:5?
- 52:49 – In 1 John it says walking in darkness, the NLT says spiritual darkness, how would you interpret this?
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Questions in this episode:
- 3:14 – Is there biblical precedence set anywhere in the Bible about what a women should do when she feels she is being emotional or physically abused?
- 13:19 – In regards to giving to the poor, is the poor considered anyone less fortunate financially than myself or is there a hard and fast line that defines poor? Also, what about family members who, due to their own choices, spending habits or lifestyle, they now don’t have money for things they need, does that now become part of my responsibility biblically to help them out?
- 30:17 – Are Angels still active in the Earth today, since we have the Holy Spirit present?
- 36:45 – What do you say about the commandment Thou Shall Not Take The Lord’s Name in Vain?
- 45:13 – If I have a bad thought about taking the Lord’s name in vain, where does that come from, the devil?
- 51:00 – Is it useful to post a prayer online, for example in social media comments or is this a waste of time?
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Questions in this episode:
- 5:45 – Does God have a soul?
- 10:46 – Are you aware of the word musar (chastisement) ever meaning anything other than punitive discipline? Do you know a better way to show the truth of penal substitutionary atonement as it relates to Isa 53?
- 26:25 – How do I talk to my grown daughter who has walked away from the faith about salvation?
- 35:29 – What is Paul saying in Romans 14:22-23 and can you give some modern examples?
- 45:50 – What is your opinion on the book of Enoch?
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Questions in this episode:
- 6:21 – Are the rapture and the second coming at the same time?
- 17:20 – Are disagreements that cause division among the denominations a sin?
- 34:34 – According to the book of Job, as far as the things that Job was stricken with, was Satan given the power to do these things or was it Satan going to God asking God to do these things to Job? Job was tested and God allowed it, why does God allow these tests?
- 46:41 – Does God harden Pharaoh’s heart or does Pharaoh first harden his own heart first according to Rom 9:17?
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Questions in this episode:
- 5:08 – I am older and want to move out of the big city to a small town and my pastor and friends do not want me to. Is it wrong for me to do what I want and move?
- 13:30 – In 1 Corinthians 11:16 it talked about women should cover their heads while praying. Can you explain this?
- 20:20 – When Jesus reigns in the millennium will the earth be remade at the destruction where Revelations 21 refers to the New Heaven and New Earth?
- 27:58 – Based on Titus 3:10, is there a time that I can part ways with a contentions friend on ceremonial laws?
- 44:15 – It seems like in Acts 18, Apollos, who’s eloquent in scripture and instructed in the way of the Lord fervent in spirit. How is he teaching accurately the things concerning Christ but didn’t know about the Holy Spirit?
- 48:09 – I have a child engaging in homosexuality, how can I show him love without acceptance?
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Questions in this episode:
- 4:26 – Redefine what it is we should be expecting from Christianity!
- 13:12 – Why is the book of Obadiah overlooked by Pastors?
- 17:26 – Why did God designate one nation as His chosen people and why would He choose the Hebrews and exclude the others?
- 23:42 – Is the office of the Apostle still relevant today, the capital A not the little a?
- 43:49 – Is writing fiction that is intended to point people to Christ, is that a good endeavor or foolish?
- 47:06 – When the prophets were preaching the word, how did the message get permeated across the country?
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Questions in this episode:
- 4:17 – Do I still share the gospel at work if I am at risk of losing my job?
- 13:25 – What is your take on “many are called, but few are chosen”?
- 19:42 – What is your recommendation for your typical lay person to learn Greek?
- 26:44 – When is the right time to have a child baptized when they have been asking about baptism?
- 32:15 – After Jesus was resurrected, why did the Apostles not recognize Him?
- 36:43 – What would you say is the single most important thing in raising kids in a christian home?
- 41:24 – If I was baptized as a child in the catholic church, do I need to get baptized again as a born again Christian?
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Questions in this episode:
- 2:40 – Do we continue to tithe on retirement money that we basically have already tithed on?
- 5:19 – What does Paul mean by the baptism of the dead?
- 12:21 – What is your view on Roman Catholic apparitions?
- 22:36 – Is anxiety and worry always a sin?
- 32:09 – Courage and Bravery. Understand the challenge of our role in a world that is pitted against us.
- 34:22 – Why was it necessary for Jesus to be tempted by the Devil after spending 40 days in isolation in the wilderness?
- 39:19 – What is the difference between Christian Nation, Conservatives and Christian Evangelicals? Christian Nationalism.
- 47:24 – Explanation of 1 Samuel 16:14-23 Where an evil spirit from the Lord tormented Saul. Where is the evil spirit of the Lord coming from?
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Questions in this episode:
- 3:35 – What does the Bible say about Creation?
- 10:21 – What are we to make of Paul and his struggle with sin in Romans 7?
- 13:50 – Do infants go to Heaven when they die?
- 19:50 – What about the different levels of Heaven mentioned in the Bible?
- 24:15 – Can you please explain Rewards in Heaven and how we earn them as well as the Great White throne judgement?
- 30:22 – When someone accepts Christ but does not go to church or read her bible, do they go to Heaven?
- 39:50 – Can you please explain what Paul says in the NT, to be absent from the body, is to be present with the Lord and it’s association with Sheol and Abraham’s bosom?
- 48:15 – From Revelations, is it possible that any of the 144 thousand are still alive today or do they become believers during the Tribulation?
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Questions in this episode:
- 2:52 – Are the sermons Jesus taught in Luke 6 and Matthew 5 the same?
- 12:05 – How do we find a new Pastor?
- 22:36 – What does 1 John 5:16 mean?
- 26:55 – What does 1 John 5:19 mean?
- 40:05 – How do I continue to love my family member without affirming the lesbian relationship?
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Questions in this episode:
- 6:13 – What’s the difference between the indwelling of the Spirit and being filled with the Spirit?
- 10:43 – Do I go to hell because I did not get involved in opposition against abortion, gay marriage, etc.?
- 23:12 – Do I fight things in Society that are sinful?
- 26:07 – Will the battle in Ezekiel 38 come before or after the church is raptured?
- 36:17 – How do we know what was written in the OT vs the NT applies to us today? Capital punishment, what we can eat, etc.?
- 53:50 – Is it evil, if you have an issue you can’t resolve with a parent and talk to someone else about it. Is it Evil or complaining?
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Questions in this episode:
- 12:40 – If Jews are called God’s chosen people, why is the Church called the Bride of Christ?
- 19:14 – What are we to do with the command, honor you father and mother, when my parent is a notorious criminal?
- 24:04 – Adam and Eve had Cane, Abel and Seth whose lineage says were married. Where did the women come from?
- 29:26 – Expound on Matthew 7:22, Are there believers doing the work of the Lord, going to be judged, cast out?
- 36:40 – When Jesus rules and rules perfectly and a lot of people won’t like it. How come these people won”t like it?
- 41:00 – How do I know when working at my job, that I am working hard enough to please the Lord?
- 49:05 – Explain the verses in Acts 2 and Mark 16 where it mentions Baptism as necessary for Salvation.?
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Questions in this episode:
- 4:51 – What does the Bible verses the Roman Catholic church say about sin, it’s consequence and confession?
- 14:01 – Should I be in an employee job at a church: Pastor, Ministry Director or work for the church?
- 25:44 – Does the physical act of baptism save you as those who believed in baptismal regeneration?
- 51:40 – Today we have grace, how did sinners before Christ, who lived under the law, gain eternal life or are they lost?
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Questions in this episode:
- 5:55 – Is going to church only on Sunday and a few classes, social gathering throughout the year enough?
- 13:10 – What passages should I read for anger, addiction and how to recommit my life?
- 23:10 – Does the word “brother” mean cousin and did Jesus have a brother?
- 28:28 – My husband doesn’t want me to be involved in church, is it ok to get a divorce?
- 39:19 – Why did Jesus pray to God when he raised Lazarus?
- 43:26 – How do I counsel a woman who has bad husband and wants to end the marriage?
- 49:22 – Can you explain, the first and second Coming of Christ and the return of Jesus, Millennial Kingdom?
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Questions in this episode:
- 5:47 – If a person is saved and they commit suicide do they loose their salvation?
- 29:01 – Are you really a christian if you struggle with joy and happiness in this country/world today?
- 41:36 – Will sins committed and forgiven, be exposed even though you are saved?
- 48:43 – Comparing John and James, does faith alone save you or do you need deeds also?
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Questions in this episode:
- 5:49 – Are there two different books of life, physical and spiritual?
- 21:37 – What is Aramaic, is it Arabic?
- 27:24 – After having my friend who is Hindu come to my church, should I go to hers?
- 38:09 – What do the “cold & hot” water references mean in Rev. 3:15-16?
- 46:30 – What do you do when married to an unbeliever who won’t divorce and only stays for financial reasons?
- 50:48 – Can Satan speak all languages?
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Questions in this episode:
- 4:56 – How did Satan convince 1/3 of angels to leave God to follow him?
- 13:33 – Should I leave my Church if it’s small and not growing and I don’t feel growth in my Christian life when listening to the pastor?
- 21:45 – Will believers ever see their pets again in heaven?
- 25:45 – When a person commits suicide, do they got to heaven?
- 32:02 – Are there different types of sin or are some greater than the others? How should we read and understand the Bible?
- 46:29 – Is there anything that the Bible says we can’t eat?
- 48:50 – Can men have long hair such as dreadlocks?
- 52:04 – Does God forgive intrusive thoughts?
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Questions in this episode:
- 4:17 – Should we fast and pray for unsaved family members? What is appropriate to fast and pray for?
- 12:06 – If God needs nothing why did He create us?
- 14:06 – Why would God want to create something to enjoy and praise Him if He’s self sufficient?
- 17:43 – How am I supposed to understand holiness?
- 33:32 – Why would God have so much war and killing in the old testament?
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Questions in this episode:
- 11:18 – What age was Ahaziah when he began his reign? The text in 2 Chronicles 22 says differs depending on the translation.
- 23:03 – In Acts 14 there is a man who could never walk. Paul sees that he has faith and heals him. Does that mean that you need to have faith to be healed?
- 35:43 – I was baptized in the 7 day adventist church, so should I be baptized again? What are we to make of the 7 day adventist church?
- 43:02 – What does 2 Samuel 24 mean?
- 49:41 – Does Hebrews 6:4-6 mean you can lose you salvation because of sin?
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Questions in this episode:
- 10:01 – How should Christians view the reversal of traditional husband-wife roles even if the wife makes a lot of money?
- 28:32 – Should Christians be cremated?
- 46:07 – Pastor Mike’s Testimony
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Questions in this episode:
- 4:25 – Why are churches teaching that there are other gods besides Jesus?
- 14:40 – Are ghosts in this world? And are they fallen angels?
- 19:22 – Did the angels have free will in heaven? Are we the only beings with free will?
- 25:32 – Did God create evil?
- 35:35 – Should believers have their organs donated or be cremated after they die?
- 42:11 – Can we be perfect according to Hebrews 11:40
- 53:43 – In the parable of the sower, Jesus referred to “bearing fruit,” in this case, what is “fruit bearing”?
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Questions in this episode:
- 3:39 – What does Ezekiel 38 mean?
- 12:06 – Does Matthew 5:31 mean that instead of stoning for sexual immorality, there should just be a divorce?
- 23:11 – Will my miscarried children be tempted at the end of the millennium by Satan?
- 33:13 – How do you help someone suffering from dementia or Alzheimers in getting them right with Christ?
- 40:56 – How could what happened in Genesis 19 happen not only once but twice regarding Lot and his daughters?
- 43:51 – Something that has happened since the pandemic is that my husband has become a hermit basically and has given up on his responsibilities and work ethic. What can I do?
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Questions in this episode:
- 5:57 – I feel like I’ve lost my purpose and long to go home to Christ. What should I do?
- 17:54 – What is Christian nationalism?
- 31:35 – As someone who has taken on the responsibility of supporting the family emotionally after a tragic accident, how to I provide encouragement to my mother who blames God for what happened when this situation has already taken such a large toll on me?
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Questions in this episode:
- 9:00 – What does Mark 13:30 mean?
- 25:20 – Is it possible to not sin for a day? How often do we sin?
- 36:26 – Is it possible for a believer to love God completely and at all times?
- 41:46 – If God is our master, can’t He do whatever he wants with us and just throw us away?
- 44:02 – Did anyone other than Noah’s family survive the flood?
- 47:34 – What does the word “hate” mean in Luke 14:26?
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Questions in this episode:
- 30:42 – 1 Corinthians 11:26 says “you do this [The Lords’s Supper] and you show through this the Lord’s death”. What happens in the millennium, will there be some sort of observance of the Lord’s Supper during that thousand year reign of Christ?
- 34:18 – Is moving in with your boyfriend against God?
- 41:35 – Even though my child is a full grown adult now, where does my say-so as a parent extend to according to the Bible?
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Questions in this episode:
- 8:53 – It was mentioned by a paster that there was a pagan god of spring named Ishtar and that name eventually got translated into Easter. Can you expand more on that?
- 9:28 – Have you heard of a perverted version of the Bible named the Queen James version?
- 18:26 – Why did Jesus curse the fig tree in Mark 11 when the passage says that it was out of season for figs?
- 25:10 – What is going on in Matthew 16:28?
- 29:55 – What day was Jesus crucified on, Thursday or Friday?
- 39:01 – Explain Revelation 16. Are people still saved by grace alone after the rapture?
- 48:38 – What is the order of events in the End Times after Israel signs the covenant of peace?
- 53:40 – Is the new heaven and the new earth going to be in cubic form or like the earth we live on right now?
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Questions in this episode:
- 13:40 – In Matthew 42:22, who are the elect?
- 18:45 – Is baptism required in order to be taken in the rapture?
- 26:14 – John Stott was considered to be one of the greatest theologians of the 20th century, but he taught that the soul would be annihilated in hell. How could such a person go in direct contrast against what Jesus said?
- 35:06 – Would it be fair for me to warn others who are also reading John Stott about his misbeliefs about hell?
- 37:52:00 – How should I counsel a Christian friend who got divorced with his supposedly christian wife because she was losing interest in him and had a dream that told her she should? They are still living in the same space even after the divorce, and she has been seen at another man’s house recently.
- 51:38 – If we’re made in the image of God, but He is neither a man nor a woman, and we are the bride of Christ, what about men? Are they the bride of Christ also?
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Questions in this episode:
- 7:23 – In Revelation, the beast that has connections to the number 6, what are some insights on this number and its connections throughout the Bible?
- 16:21 – What does John 6:44 mean?
- 30:59 – What is my role as a wife to an addicted husband?
- 41:02 – According to Colossians 1:19-20, what needs to be reconciled in heaven through the blood of Jesus?
- 48:34 – When God flooded the earth, was the garden of Eden destroyed or was it kept protected? Is it around today, and if it is, where is it?
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Questions in this episode:
- 7:05 – Thinking through the problem of eternal punishment, what do we do with the doctrine of hell?
- 13:17 – Since Lucifer walked away from God because of his pride, what’s to say that man won’t do the same thing once we all get to heaven?
- 19:48 – Does paying taxes to a de facto government make you a good Christian?
- 23:55 – Were the founding fathers right for usurping the authority of the British government in saying that they couldn’t tax them anymore?
- 33:42 – When an individual gets saved, all his sins are forgiven, past, present, and future, but in the end, there will be judgment for everyone, even the Christians. What is the difference between the judgment of a non-Christian and a Christian?
- 45:50 – In the Book of Job, it says that “the sons of God and Satan went before the Lord”. Do they not represent sin or at least are sinful creatures? How are they able to be in the presence of God the Father?
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Questions in this episode:
- 6:27 – When the disciples went out to spread the gospel, did they use the name Jesus or Yeshua? Is Jesus the official name that matches Yahweh? Did they use the Hebrew name or Greek name?
- 19:39 – What do I do when my husband won’t put his faith in Jesus because he doesn’t believe that Jesus could save him?
- 37:44 – Are there any extra Biblical writings, evidence outside the Bible, that comports with what we have inside the Bible about a man named Jesus and his existence?
- 43:08 – What was the site where we can go to properly study the Bible with homework and notes etc.?
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Questions in this episode:
- 3:17 – Do Christians go to heaven twice, once after we die and once during the rapture?
- 9:15 – What caused Lucifer to rebel? Was his sin the sin of pride, and if so, is pride the root cause of all disobedience? Could it be because the angels had freewill and gave them the ability to choose to obey or not obey God, and does that mean that because of freewill, mankind has the ability to sin?
- 15:36 – What will happen to nonbelievers when they remain on the earth during the rapture?
- 20:58 – Are we healed both physically and spiritually through Jesus’ suffering and sacrifice on the cross?
- 28:43 – How do you explain and discuss the issues of Calvinist theology?
- 38:41 – What does the word “amen” mean?
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Questions in this episode:
- 5:04 – Where is man’s spirit connected to his heart?
- 15:41 – What is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?
- 23:59 – What do we make of the Scripture in Hebrews 4:12 if we can use spirit and soul interchangeably?
- 34:54 – I have panic attacks and am begging God to remove these from me, are they sin since the Bible tells us to not fear?
- 41:38 – As someone who came to faith at a very young age, why do I not feel the same assurance in my faith as others who have been Christians for a shorter period of time? What am I missing in my faith?
- 54:58 – How do you know you don’t fall into the category of people who call themselves Christians but actually aren’t?
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Questions in this episode:
- 10:22 – Is taking the Lord’s Supper for divine healing?
- 17:42 – How do you get divine healing?
- 27:34 – Why was Paul forbidden from going into Asia?
- 32:22 – The Bible says that no one has seen God and lived, but Jacob said he saw God face to face and lived, so what is the full understanding and context of that?
- 40:13 – Does 1 Corinthians 7:14 mean that if a very young child of non-Christians parents dies, they will not go to heaven?
- 46:39 – Is there hope for Christians who turned away from faith to come back?
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Questions in this episode:
- 5:38 – Where in the writings of Josephus do you find mention of Jesus Christ?
- 8:52 – Is Cyrus from Isaiah 45 the son/grandson of Queen Esther?
- 12:50 – In Jack Hyles’ book The Enemies of Soul-Winning, he claims you can accept Christ as your savior but not your Lord, is this true?
- 26:14 – How do we know that the God who created man is the same God as the one in the Bible?
- 29:26 – Why would God pick us to spend all his time and energy on when we’re just a speck compared to the rest of the universe?
- 40:18 – Do I need to accept Jesus as my Savior before I can have communication and a relationship with God?
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Questions in this episode:
- 7:41 – With the current state of our government, what is some encouragement as to why we are lucky to be living in these times?
- 19:32 – What does the Bible say about burial or internment versus cremation?
- 31:29 – Are Christians called to make the world a better place through boycotts or voting?
- 51:33 – I have been baptized in water, but have sinned badly since, do I need to be baptized again?
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Questions in this episode:
- 6:22 – Is everyone going to have an adult glorified body, even those who died as young children?
- 12:33 – What does Romans 2 mean?
- 20:46 – Why do Messianic Jews call themselves that if there is no more separation between Jews and Gentiles anymore?
- 30:53 – If the good news is believing in the works of Christ and nothing else, why do Christians add created works such as water baptism when Christians are already baptized in the spirit?
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Questions in this episode:
- 5:09 – When did the devil first sin?
- 10:30 – After Jesus is baptized, he talks about “us”. Who does that refer to?
- 18:43 – As a husband and godly man, what should I do when my wife and I are in constant disagreement?
- 30:01 – What should I do when my wife walks away and does not want to do what the Bible says?
- 35:06 – Why did Samson need to suffer so much heartache before God’s will was carried out for him to kill all the Philistines?
- 45:23 – As an older woman, how should I explore and navigate a relationship with the opposite sex outside seeing people at church?
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Questions in this episode:
- 5:19 – Is baptism by immersion a requirement to be granted Salvation, and is infant baptism valid?
- 20:39 – Are there such things as ex-Christians? Were they truly believers or not? What is the Biblical perspective on “the great falling away”?
- 32:47 – Why would God create humans when he knows that a majority of humans are going to hell?
- 38:35 – Is God not doing miracles?
- 50:25 – What is the unforgivable sin?
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Questions in this episode:
- 4:30 – How do I know if the church I am attending is the right church to go to?
- 15:06 – How should Christians react when they lose someone?
- 34:03 – Is horse racing wrong? What does the Bible say about gambling?
- 42:51 – Is taking the Lord’s Supper for physical healing?
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Questions in this episode:
- 5:45 – Did the disciples wonder if they were gong to see and experience everything that Jesus talked about? Why did Jesus say it the way He did?
- 10:18 – When Jesus says “you”, who is He referring to?
- 14:26 – What verses say that the cannon of Scripture is closed and that the gift of Prophesy has ended?
- 23:40 – I have been baptized in water, but I have sinned badly since then. Do I need to be baptized again?
- 36:55 – What do you think of the conspiracy of a flat earth?
- 38:55 – How do you defend the inerrancy of Scripture?
- 47:54 – The Bible says that the Earth has firm foundations and will never be moved, so why don’t Christians reject the fact that Earth is in constant motion?
- 49:02 – Where are the sun and moon located if they are in the clouds and in the sky?
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Questions in this episode:
- 5:29 – Can a genuine Christian fall out of faith?
- 26:53 – What does the Bible say about being married with a non-believer, and what should Christians do in that situation?
- 47:47 – Is it ok to marry someone who has been married before?
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Questions in this episode:
- 2:30 – What is Expository Preaching?
- 8:50 – Our kids are older and continue to follow the world, what suggestions to you have in us as parents helping them to not go down the wrong path?
- 23:16 – What does the average Catholic think of the Protestant?
- 27:42 – After the 1000 year reign of Christ when Satan is released, will he be able to harm people during that time period?
- 32:08 – There are many features of the tabernacle of the Old Testament that correspond to Jesus. What about the Ark of the Covenant, are there any parallels to Jesus?
- 38:35 – (9 yr old caller) How do I know if I am a Christian or not?
- 45:35 – With God being all knowing, why did He wait weeks to get information to people based on several scripture passages?
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Questions in this episode:
- 10:02 – Can you explain what the dispensations are in the Bible? If people believe in replacement theology, do they believe in dispensationalism? Could one still be a Christian and not believe in dispensationalism?
- 26:17 – As Christians, how should we think about Israel in light of the present conflict with Hamas & Hezbollah?
- 41:39 – As Christians, should we teach our kids about Santa Claus?
- 47:56 – If and older brother is taking care of elder family affairs and you realize it is not right, do you do something or turn a cheek?
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Questions in this episode:
- 3:24 – As a Christian, would you recommend dating or marrying someone with a serious disease?
- 9:40 – In the steps of regeneration, how does it work for the Old Testament Saints?
- 17:33 – What is your Biblical opinion on using an online dating app or website?
- 31:51 – According to James 1:17, is that saying everything good comes from God, as simple as something like a parking spot?
- 46:35 – John 9:4 implies that no man can work at night. Didn’t the fisherman do all of their work at night?
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Questions in this episode:
- 3:31 – When Jesus was with the Woman at the well, Jesus mentioned worshiping God in spirit and in truth, how do we practically do that as both individuals and a church?
- 16:06 – How can I be certain that I am a Christian?
- 23:45 – What is your perspective on Soul Sleep?
- 33:30 – In Genesis, it speaks of Joseph having a cup of divination, what is going on here, why would this character have a cup of divination?
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Questions in this episode:
- 12:45 – James 2:19 says that even the demons believe, and in 1 John 4, we as Christians can differentiate a true Spirit and a wrong Spirit, if you believe that Jesus came in the flesh that it’s a true Spirit. Can you please explain this because if based off James 2:19, the demons believed Jesus came in the Spirit.
- 22:34 – Denomination or non-denomination, is it ok to go to a denominational church as long as they are teaching the word?
- 30:53 – What is your opinion on the tv series The Chosen?
- 42:52 – Address the debate on Christmas being pagan vs Christian?
- 58:32 – There are verses in the Bible that says not to put tattoos on the body, I have a tattoo on my ankle, should I be concerned?
- 1:01:59 – Why do the Jews wear side curls, why do they wear their hair long?
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Questions in this episode:
- 3:39 – Pastors talk about Peter being crucified upside down, but the Bible doesn’t say this?
- 20:11 – When Christ returns to take the church with him out of the world, is it then that we receive our glorified bodies? And what about the unbelievers, will they get a resurrected body or will they not get one?
- 25:05 – Is the 70AD Theory a false doctrine? Should we be concerned with ones salvation in those who believe this?
- 40:26 – I would like to be cremated, is there anything wrong with that?
- 49:46 – My mom says that angels appear to her, are these angels from the Lord?
Text LIVE to 90398 to be notified when Pastor Mike broadcasts live on the radio answering your call in questions.
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Questions in this episode:
- 8:03 – How do you forgive an adult, who is still in a mindset of a child?
- 19:30 – Can your name be removed from the book of life?
- 25:03 – It feels like my prayers are not being answered, am I don’t something wrong?
- 32:00 – Is Paul going to be an apostle in Heaven?
Text LIVE to 90398 to be notified when Pastor Mike broadcasts live on the radio answering your call in questions.
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Questions in this episode:
- 2:56 – What does the Bible say about correcting things that on the surface sound good and moral but they are not, the twisting of the truth?
- 6:25 – What is your view on apostolic gifts? Specifically speaking in tongues, healing and casting out demons?
- 24:54 – Those who reject Jesus are going to be thrown into the lake of fire. I am wondering about Satan’s punishment, will it be worse since he was the first sinner to sin?
- 34:49 – Do we have free will when we are in our glorified bodies, if we do, how do we know we will not be tempted to fall into sin after this life is over?
Text LIVE to 90398 to be notified when Pastor Mike broadcasts live on the radio answering your call in questions.
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Questions in this episode:
- 5:33 – What bible translation should we memorize scripture from?
- 9:36 – Can a born again believer be enslaved or in bondage to demonic spirits or Satan?
- 28:53 – As a Christian, should we avoid using the work luck or lucky?
- 31:07 – Where is a good starting point for a new believer to know the word more?
- 40:54 – Is it possible for a Christian to be possessed?
- 47:16 – How can I help my granddaughter, she is living with her boyfriend?
Text LIVE to 90398 to be notified when Pastor Mike broadcasts live on the radio answering your call in questions.
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Questions in this episode:
- 4:44 – Will we recognize our loved ones in Heaven?
- 10:41 – In 1 Corinthians 9:27, what does it mean that Paul thinks he could be disqualified?
- 17:38 – What is the difference between repentance and faith?
- 24:13 – Please explain Psalm 138:2, how God values His word above His name?
- 38:33 – What does the word Blessed mean?
- 49:43 – How does a pastor gauge the spiritual condition of his church?
Text LIVE to 90398 to be notified when Pastor Mike broadcasts live on the radio answering your call in questions.
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Questions in this episode:
- 11:59 – Am I lacking faith in God’s will if I am praying for things specifically to happen, for example, healing of someone who is sick?
- 28:01 – When does the marriage supper of the lamb take place?
- 37:41 – How can I concisely explain the concept of being born again?
- 41:41 – When you die are you asleep or are you in heaven?
- 48:06 – Why are there animal sacrifices during the millennium?
Text LIVE to 90398 to be notified when Pastor Mike broadcasts live on the radio answering your call in questions.
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Questions in this episode:
- 5:23 – Is claiming your weekly tithe on your income taxes considered giving or giving to receive back?
- 7:23 – Why are pastors preaching that the church will be gone during the time of the anti-christ and the mark of the beast? Why would Paul preach that and why would God reveal that to John if we are gone?
- 16:25 – Does the current conflict in the Middle East have anything to do with Psalm 3 and fulfill Ezekiel 38-39?
- 27:01 – Why do Catholic Churches have all the statues in their churches if we are not supposed to worship those or have them in our churches?
- 34:50 – How many Baptisms are there?
- 44:05 – Can you please explain The Crown of Life as talked about in the book of James?
Text LIVE to 90398 to be notified when Pastor Mike broadcasts live on the radio answering your call in questions.
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Questions in this episode:
- 2:59 – A couple lives together before marriage and is having sexual relations and then decide to get married, what do you think of that? How does God look at that marriage and how does God view them as individuals?
- 13:18 – How is the believer’s child sanctified? Should a couple try to stay together because the child is sanctified?
- 17:38 – Can your name be taken out of the Book of Life?
- 21:47 – What does it mean when Jesus says, “The first will be last and the last first?”
- 31:32 – Why is Planet Earth only capitalized in Genesis 1:10 and not anywhere else in the Bible?
- 37:24 – Did Adam and Eve have children before they were kicked out of the Garden? What happened to Cain and where did he go and who was he afraid was going to kill him?
- 47:50 – Did God know that Adam and Eve were going to eat from the forbidden tree? If He did, why didn’t He intervene? In the garden, why does the snake ever say anything if it’s a Holy place, how is evil even in there?
Text LIVE to 90398 to be notified when Pastor Mike broadcasts live on the radio answering your call in questions.
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Questions in this episode:
- 3:26 – With the world population at about 8 Million people, how many demons are there?
- 8:25 – Are the demons controlling what I dream?
- 9:57 – Is there a relationship between who is in the kingdom and who is in the church, and what is the relationship of the church to the kingdom?
- 28:49 – I am a Christian, a wife, a mother and a working professional and have decided not to stay home with my kids. I want to get your biblical take on my decision?
- 33:29 – Based on the book called Vision, the author states that you can be saved after death, is there anything biblically you can say about this? What about Abraham’s Bosom or even paradise?
- 43:40 – In regards to the parable of the talents and the New Jerusalem and the New Earth, is there a possibility that this place of outer darkness, weeping and gnashing of teeth will be somewhere outside the new Jerusalem on the New Earth?
Text LIVE to 90398 to be notified when Pastor Mike broadcasts live on the radio answering your call in questions.
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Questions in this episode:
- 3:08 – After one has died, what happens to our body, is it just waiting or does it go immediately to the presence of the Lord?
- 8:10 – Once we are in heaven, will we be clothed or naked?
- 11:16 – Could you explain the husband’s role as a spiritual authority in his home?
- 27:38 – What is Lordship Salvation? And is this a bad doctrine?
- 39:59 – If one becomes a Christian after getting married and having kids and is the only christian in the family, who’s responsibility is it for the spouse and grown kids and their salvation?
- 47:59 – Can I drink a glass of wine at a non-christian wedding?
- 50:32 – A family member is a Wiccan. How can I help them?
Text LIVE to 90398 to be notified when Pastor Mike broadcasts live on the radio answering your call in questions.
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Questions in this episode:
- 5:33 – What is the information in the Old Testament about how to be save and how is it different than in the New Testament?
- 13:15 – Using the phrase Luck or Lucky. Is this something we should or should not use?
- 18:29 – Is it possible for a Christian to live a sinless life from the time of conversion until they go to heaven?
- 22:53 – How does someone know if they have blasphemed God?
- 29:56 – Is the book Textual Criticism by Daniel Wallace okay to read? Not sure, is this a type of book we ought to read?
- 37:45 – I’m having shame and guilt and having a hard time letting go of the past and forgiving myself. I’m not suffering any consequences but it’s still on mind. Suggestions on this.
- 48:30 – Absent from the body, is to be present with the Lord. Does this mean the person’s spirit is actually with the Lord, what about 1 Thessalonians 4:16?
Text LIVE to 90398 to be notified when Pastor Mike broadcasts live on the radio answering your call in questions.
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Questions in this episode:
- 4:57 – What should the leadership in the church look like?
- 35:40 – Did demons worship God?
- 46:57 – Where in the Bible does it say that Jesus is God?
Text LIVE to 90398 to be notified when Pastor Mike broadcasts live on the radio answering your call in questions.
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Questions in this episode:
- 5:35 – What is the difference between the biblical use of “The Kingdom of God” and the “Kingdom of Heaven”?
- 10:16 – Because of the phrase that Jesus used, that your righteousness should exceed that of the Pharisees, reference – Fasting…they fasted 2 x a week, should we fast more?
- 16:20 – Luke 14:26 What does it mean, when Jesus says we must hate our father, mother, children, brother and sisters and yes even your own life, or you cannot be my disciple?
- 21:31 – Pastor Mike’s Testimony
- 31:25 – There’s a group that is preaching the Gospel and doing great things, but they say that they are so free in their belief that they can curse and drink. How should I view this group?
- 44:40 – When Jesus was appearing to the apostles, Thomas was not there. What happed to Thomas, did he not receive the Holy Spirit?
- 48:05 – Satan is not omnipotent or omnipresent, so could he be using modern technology to find out what is happening throughout the world?. There’s a group that is preaching the Gospel and doing great things, but they say that they are so free in their belief that they can curse and drink. How should I view this group?
- 51:31 – What is the difference between the use of the words “pastor,” “bishop,” and “elder” when translated from the Greek?
Text LIVE to 90398 to be notified when Pastor Mike broadcasts live on the radio answering your call in questions.
Text ASK to 90398 to submit a Bible question to Pastor Mike.
Questions in this episode:
- 4:24 – How do you stay anchored to Christ when everything you have experienced has given you every reason to not believe in Him?
- 22:38 – In Revelation 21:4 it says that God is going to wipe away every tear and there will be no sadness. How can that be if I have a loved on who doesn’t get to heaven? Won’t that make me mourn and weep in heaven?
- 29:19 – Do animals have a soul?
- 40:07 – Why does the new temple have to be built on or near where the Dome of the Rock is?
- 47:49 – How should Christians participate in Halloween? Can they even participate?
Text LIVE to 90398 to be notified when Pastor Mike broadcasts live on the radio answering your call in questions.
Text ASK to 90398 to submit a Bible question to Pastor Mike.
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