The Focal Point Benefit Dinner is an annual event that helps support the radio ministry of Pastor Mike Fabarez to continue exploring and proclaiming the depths of Scripture. Help us reach people with no-nonsense Bible teaching to bear fruit for the kingdom of God.
Once again this year we will be hosting the Benefit Dinner on the Compass Campus. It will be a golden age of cruising themed event, so come join us for an enjoyable evening of entertainment and encouragement for what Focal Point is doing beyond Aliso Viejo, CA.
We will have a silent auction, giveaways, and Special Guest: Daniel Craig from Moody Radio. We value your participation in this event to help us fulfill the mission of Focal Point.
The 13th Annual Focal Point Dinner will be held at 6:00pm on Friday, April 4th at:
Compass Bible Church Auditorium
“Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit” John 15:5
Scenes from the 2024 Benefit Dinner Last Year
See details below:
What: 13th Annual Focal Point Benefit Dinner
When: Friday, April 4th at 6pm
Where: Compass Bible Church Auditorium
(150 Columbia, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656)
Tickets: $90/ea. through March 16th ($120 after)
Round Tables of 8: $720 through March 16th ($960 after March 16th)
Attire/Theme: Italian Themed-Casual Dress
Menu: Coming Soon
Kid’s Club: For kids & infants to 6th grade. Register below
This event has become such a fabulous time of celebrating what God has done through this ministry.
For questions, please call us at 888-320-5885.