Healing Grace
Because of God’s grace, our lives are full of potential usefulness for Jesus Christ. God has a proven track record of consistently reaching out to restore his stumbling servants. Proverbs 24:16 compares the “falling” of two kinds of people – those who get up and those who don’t.
Thankfully, as Jesus demonstrated by extending forgiveness and restoration to Peter after his threefold denial (Jn.21), God’s mercy and grace extend to his people to stand them up, dust them off, and move them forward into productive and fruitful Christian lives. God wants your life to count. He wants you to make a difference for someone this week.
So if your focus is on yesterday’s failures, get a biblical new year’s perspective: agree with God about your sin, affirm his promise of forgiveness and say to him, “Here am I, send me” (Is.6:6-8).
Here am I send me. I know how much he does for me and I sure do not mind doing work for His Kingdom and to me it is not work, it is a part of caring and loving others and love is first in Gods’ eyes.
I propose a “Bless You Competition” where we compete with ourselves to see how many times a day we can bless someone. Sometimes they may know it, see it, and/or feel it. Sometimes they may not, as in letting someone get your parking spot, take the last basket at the grocery store, etc. and so you pray a blessing without actually connecting with them. In either way, I notice I am more aware of the needs of others as I choose to find people to bless. My top day so far has only reached 8 people – surely I’ll get better!
God cares for us so much. Thank you Lord Jesus For being so faithful to us.