Unfortunately, this side of heaven we will all experience a lot of injustice – much of it personal. In this fallen world we can count on being falsely accused, mistreated, misquoted and maligned. Fortunately, none of it escapes the watchful and loving attention of our God. While our hearts may cry out for immediate vindication, God’s plan often includes that we learn to wait for our heavenly Father to straighten things out.
Sure, there are times when it is appropriate to plead our case, provide a clarification or attempt a personal defense. But often that’s not possible or not appropriate. Instead, God calls us to a virtuous and faith-filled response. Peter enlists the ultimate example for our instruction when he writes of Christ’s response to the injustice of his opposition: “When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly” (1Pt.2:23).
It may be difficult, but it is Christ-like. It may not provide immediate satisfaction but it is the attitude God will one day reward.
Dear Pastor Mike,
After three years of these kinds of wrongs committed toward us, my wife and I have been vindicated monetarily, and our lives are much relieved in the calm after the storm of legal battles, but true justice is rare and fleeting in this sinful, selfish world. The knowledge of God’s perfect, and final justice is more comforting to us now than ever. But compared to many suffering around the world for the cause of Christ, our troubles pale in comparison. We haven’t shed any blood for that noble cause….yet. Thanks for the Biblical perspective.
It’s unfortunate but I have been on the evil side of this coin, in many respects. I oppressed others, brought others down and used others to accomplish whatever means I felt I needed at the time. God pulled me into His Grace, though. And I became more knowledgeable about being a Godly person. Did my Bible studies, attended church often, and stayed active in my prayer life. Only I felt oppressed myself. Slandered. Out casted. Manipulated. And I held bitterness because of it for a long time. Wasn’t I forgiven? I repented and although my transformation is still ongoing, I felt it was “unfair” because of that repentence. I recently had a close friend of mine tell me to “give the bitterness to God.” It was exactly what I needed to hear. So, I prayed and asked God to take it. But it remained. The anger and frustration was still there. The practical application seemed impossible. Thanks, Pastor Mike. You said in one of your sermons to “immerse yourself in the word.” I stopped thinking about how “unfair” it was and almost immediately the bitterness and anger was gone. Thanks to God for his eternal work in my heart and thank Pastor Mike for his teachings.