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Know Your God

Know Your God

According to God’s word there is nothing more rewarding or more satisfying than using your mind to focus on your Creator. The Psalmist declares, “Blessed are they who seek him with all of their heart” (Ps.119:2). Jesus affirmed that the greatest directive from the Old Testament was a supreme love for God that included “all of your mind” (Mt.22:37). When you take time to ponder the Triune God or when you seek to deepen your knowledge of the Almighty, you are engaging in the primary goal of your existence.


The Bible tells us that everything about your lot in life is strategically designed to get you to do more of just that! Acts 17 states that the time of your birth and the exact place in which you live are both sovereignly aimed at getting you to “seek God and reach out for him” (vv.26-27). And that is not just a “pre-Christian” concern.


There is so much more for us all to know about our transcendent God! Paul’s prayer for the Philippians was that these growing Christians would “abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight” about their God. So today be sure to engage your mental faculties in the ever-deepening quest of knowing more about your God.

This Post Has 3 Comments
  1. I am praising our Lord more and more,, thanks to the faithfulness of Compass Bible Church and the Focal Point team!!! More than you will ever know, you are such a blessing to a thirsty soul. Any chance of coming to Canada?
    Our local Christian radio stations could sure use your message to clean out a few cob webs. May God richly bless your entire ministry team and please keep preaching without apology. You are a light in a dark place. Love in Christ.

  2. Thank you for putting it so plain I havent been to church for a long time and I found this app and found your church thank you for letting me find god through you

  3. Dear Pastor Mike Fabarez,
    Throughout my life I’ve been exposed to many different churches, kinds of Christian leaderships, and plenty of various faith based environments. Growing up in the faith, and even ministering with my family around the world, I have to say I have never been familiarized with the deep, TRUE teaching that you teach. I have downloaded and subscribed to all your podcasts I could since I have discovered Focal Point. In fact, I was just sitting in a passenger seat in a friend’s car, when I randomly heard your message, the one called “Sin and God’s Temporary Concession.” I loved it so much, I went home, took out my iPad, typed in 99.5 LA Radio, and recorded the rest of your message that I didn’t get to finish listening to in the car. I’d like to say thank you for being such an incredible influence in my life. I let my significant other listen to your message and he was quite frankly impressed himself! (which is hard to accomplish, so thank you :) Your messages are clear, thorough, and they really do clean out my heart. I thank you. Keep doing what you are doing, please. A blessing it would be to visit your church one day! God bless you and your ministry!

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