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So often we discover that the challenge of the Christian life is to stay focused on the big picture of what’s eternally significant. While the demands of everyday life shout for our attention, it’s the issues of supreme importance that usually sit quietly in the back of our minds while we run to our next appointment.


As any good time manager will suggest, the distinction between “the urgent” and “the important” has to be assessed on a regular basis. Unfortunately, the time management books fall short of accurately defining what is truly important. Jesus understood the difference. And while there were several onlookers whose expectations and demands weren’t met by Christ, at the end of his life he could confidently say to the Father, “I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do” (Jn.17:4).


May God grant us the strength and the fortitude to pause often enough to see his heavenly agenda through the clutter of earth’s pressing concerns. May we strategically live our lives with our eyes fixed on divine priorities so that one day we will be able to say that we have fulfilled God’s call for our lives.

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