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Salt and Light

Salt and Light

The biblical concept of “sin” has rightly been described as an aberration or deviation from the way things ought to be. Part of being “salt and light” in this world (Mt.5:13-16) is to strategically say and do the kinds of things in any given situation that help to make it more like what God intended it to be.


While it is true that God will one day bring everything in the universe in line with what is absolutely right (1Cor.15:24-25), in the meantime we should seek to follow the lead of God’s Spirit to do what we can to see more of “his will” realized here on earth, like it now is in heaven (Mt.6:10).


So whether it’s in our homes, offices or neighborhoods let us thoughtfully and prayerfully exert a kind of redemptive influence that will move things from the way they are to the way they ought to be. It may not always be awarded and rewarded in this life, but God will be honored and you will give those around you a foretaste of Christ’s kingdom of which we pray they will one day be a part.

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