Questions & Answers 2022-Part 1
Pastor Mike answers questions about God, the Bible, and Christianity.
Questions in this session:
- Would Job be one of the first people to be a Christian?
- What is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit and is that an unforgivable sin?
- Please explain John 14:28 where Jesus says the Father is greater than I.
- Is there any reference to baptism in the Old Testament?
- Do you see what is happening in the world today God giving us over to sin like in Romans 1:20?
- Do we have to pray exactly like Jesus’ model prayer and only to the Father?
- Are there markers in Scripture that indicate whether something is literal or poetic?
- Is America referenced in Scripture?
- In Joel 2:25 what are the years the locusts have eaten?
- Is the furniture in the temple set up in the form of a cross?
- Should faith-based organizations use the term “pregnant people?”
- How do I know if I’m in a “dry season” versus not being in Christ?
- When Christ died on the cross, did he die for everyone or just the elect?
- In Romans 1 it says God subjected the world to futility, is that why there is so much craziness in the world?
- Could you talk about a pre-tribulational rapture versus a post-tribulational rapture.
- In Job who are the sons of God?