Questions & Answers 2023-Part 3
Pastor Mike answers questions about God, the Bible, and Christianity.
Questions in this session:
- Do you need to believe in the resurrection to be saved?
- Is it okay for Christians to donate their organs after death?
- How should Christians respond to the cultural pressure to reduce the population?
- Could you provide Scriptural evidence for a pre-tribulational rapture?
- Where does the rebuilding of the temple fall in the eschatological timeline?
- When we die, will we remember those who are unsaved and are in hell?
- How would you answer a person who does not believe in the existence of hell?
- Is it okay for a Christian to do yoga?
- When do we get our glorified bodies on the eschatological timeline?
- In communion, how do we understand the substance of the bread and the wine?
- How do we understand the five fold spiritual gifts in Ephesians 4?
- Do you think people in hell will remember the opportunities they had to repent and place their trust in Christ?
- Is being saved by grace through faith in conflict with predestination?
- Could you expand on the predestination versus free will discussion?
- What’s the difference between limited atonement and unlimited atonement?