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January 28, 2025

January 28, 2025

Questions in this episode:

  1. 3:24 – Are people today still being possessed by demons like we see in the Bible?
  2. 10:20 – My transgender son insists that I call him by his new name and gender, how should I handle this as a Christian?
  3. 21:17 – My wife left me and took everything. Is this abandonment and grounds for a divorce?
  4. 29:44 – When Moses is speaking with God, God is angry and wants to destroy everyone. Why do we want to follow a God like that?
  5. 35:39 – How do we identify and address the wolves in sheep’s clothing in churches today?
  6. 42:55 – My wife is having intimate conversations with her exes, what do I do?
  7. 48:53 – Is Judas in Hell and why?

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