October 22, 2024
Questions in this episode:
- 4:31 – Do you have any insight on how a Christian should vote and what should drive their choices of candidates?
- 14:37 – Was in a bad relationship that I left, she still contacts me and I feel pulled back but know that it’s a bad relationship and should not go back. What are you thoughts on that?
- 22:05 – Do you think that Charles Spurgeon was a good Bible teacher, with good theology and sound doctrine?
- 33:26 – What is the difference in having the Holy Spirit at the time of salvation fill you versus being filled with the Holy Spirit as a believer?
- 40:13 – As Christians, should we require the Bible to be required in public school curriculums? Has that kind of mandatory required religious teaching ever been beneficial to evangelism?
- 50:11 – Follow up to Question last week on Ezekiel 38 on the word Rosh…NKJV and KJV (Question #2 on 10/17/2024)
- 53:16 – What is a divorced man’s responsibility to his ex-wife and family if she is not a Christian?
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