October 17, 2024
Questions in this episode:
- 1:49 – What would you say to someone who says that 2 Samuel 12:8 is an endorsement of polygamy by God? And, if one of the wives to the person in the village who had two wives, dies, would you then consider him eligible for service or is the fact that he had two wives disqualified?
- 15:30 – Pastor Mike follows up on an answer to an old question that he corrected…According to Ezekiel 38:2, how did they arrive on the name Rosh in NKJV and not other translations?
- 20:58 – As a soon to be 1st time mom, is it biblically a good idea or not to go trick or treating on Halloween?
- 34:40 – What is your opinion of the role of teaching from the pulpit being reserved for men only and not women?
- 41:50 – Will we be in glorified bodies in the millennium? Will there be sin in the millennium? Will we as Christians be led astray in the millennium and who is in the millennium?
- 47:40 – A house bill is on the ballot here in South Dakota and our pastors and board refuse to allow posters to be put up to vote against this bill. The pastor said that it is not their role is not primarily political, what is your take on this?
- 52:24 – Can you divorce a non believing, abusive spouse who breaks me down, who is checked out financial and intimately and still be able to remarry?
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