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October 23, 2024

October 23, 2024

Questions in this episode:

  1. 4:45 – Do you think it is important for Christians to actively engage in politics to uphold Christian values and influence positive changes?
  2. 15:15 – Where does it say to pay preachers or church people to serve in the church
  3. 21:09 – On the 1,000 year reign of Christ, when he comes to rule the Earth and satan is locked up, are the people that don’t do what they are supposed to get kicked into Hell?
  4. 28:20 – What indicators do you consider when you are contemplating a calling to the ministry, are there specific signs you look for or any other way you seek to confirm your belief with potential candidates?
  5. 45:23 – Do we receive our Heavenly bodies as soon as we die or when the rapture happens? If it’s not until the rapture, what happens to our soul or spirit when we die?
  6. 48:34 – When did Jesus die? Is it on Thursday or Friday, if it was Friday how do we get the three days?
  7. 52:23 – For this season, what do you think about Christians using things like pumpkins in their yard and putting Christian symbols on them like a Cross?

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