September 11, 2024
Questions in this episode:
- 5:24 – Can you please explain the text in John 3:13 with Jesus talking to Nicodemus about the son of man in heaven?
- 13:03 – Will there be children born during the tribulation?
- 15:36 – What is the Age of accountability?
- 28:33 – Please explain chosen, election and predestination as written in Ephesians 1:4-5 and how do you communicate that God has elected some to Heaven and some to eternal torment?
- 39:22 – What is your stance on worship music and what is and isn’t acceptable when it comes to who is writing the music, what the music says or what it’s context in which the songs are written?
- 51:10 – I want to start a business, according to the scriptures ‘Do not lay up your treasures on earth but in heaven”, does this include wanting to save up an inheritance for my children and their children?
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