Be Strong!
We intuitively prefer strength to weakness. And we should. It is a biblical virtue to possess the strength to resiliently face life’s challenges and to “bear up under the pain” we all inevitably encounter (1Pet.2:19; Eph.6:10-13). Thankfully God is desirous of granting his children strength (Is.40:29; Ps.29:11; Phil.4:13). Many do well to ask God for it, but err in passively waiting for its arrival.
God would have us get active – specifically in his word! The connection between acquiring strength and indulging in God’s word is unmistakable. David testifies that encounters with God’s written word “revives the soul” (Ps.19:7). John equates the growing strength of spiritual “young men” with “the word of God living in them” (1Jn.2:14).
We cannot afford to be ignorant of Satan’s strategy in this matter. To keep us weak, feeble and internally fragile, he only needs to keep us from God’s word. If we are to “overcome the evil one” and possess real strength as those spiritual “young men” in 1 John 2:14, then we must keep our nose in the Book and our mind set on God’s eternal principles.
Amen, Lord continue to urge my heart and mind to seek you first in all things and glorify your name. I am nothing and yet you chose to stand me up in repentance of my sins and faith in your Son and written word provided for me. I praise and give thanks to you.