The Bible is a “God-breathed” book (2Tim.3:16)—which vividly depicts a set of written words that are so closely associated with the Author that they are to be pictured as though God himself were speaking them with the breath of his own mouth. As such, the written “word of God” is described in Hebrews 4 as “living,” “active,” and “sharper than any two-edged sword” (v.12). A “living” set of words depicts their perpetual relevance in any age, to every person, and in any circumstance. A set of “active” words refers to their power and authority over those to whom they are addressed. A “sharp” set of words reminds us that they are convicting, often bringing that unpleasant pang of conscience which calls for our correction.
As we might expect, the next verse in Hebrews 4 shows the correspondence of these words to the Author. We are reminded that God’s words are always relevant because he is an omniscient God from whom nothing is hidden (v.13). We are described as “creatures,” (v.13) to drive home the reason the Creator’s words are intrinsically authoritative over those he has created. And lastly, it should make perfect sense that his words so often bring conviction, because he is the one “to whom we must give an account” (v.13).
May we continue to humbly read the Lord’s “living, active, and sharp” word, mindful that he is the all-seeing Creator who will hold us accountable for the things inscribed in this “God-breathed” book.