In Philippians 4:4 we are commanded to “Rejoice in the Lord always!” That is quite a remarkable command given that we had already been warned by Christ that life won’t always feel good (cf. Jn.16:33). But the directive is given and our response is expected just the same. Perhaps at some point in your Christian life you have humbly sought to implement this instruction, even when life was painful. If you have, you may have discovered that it is not only possible, it is often the catalyst of a whole new and energizing perspective.
Consider the person God used to write this command. The Apostle Paul was unjustly imprisoned and robbed of his “freedom” when he was moved by God to pen these words. First century incarceration is probably not the backdrop we would imagine for a broad and direct call to rejoice in God. However, it’s true. As Paul sat in prison he was able to find strength and hope as he recounted God’s goodness and oft-overlooked reasons to be thankful (cf. Phil.1:12-30).
So, no matter what is going on in your life this week, remember these words and put them into practice. It would do us well to “rejoice in the Lord always!”