The New Jerusalem
It is unfortunate that our future eternal home is often perceived to be far too ethereal and mystical to provide any concrete motivation for our daily lives. It’s worse than unfortunate, it can be an act of disobedience. God has called us to “set our hope fully on the grace to be given to us when Jesus Christ is revealed” (1Pt.1:13). That is impossible to do when Christ’s future kingdom is obscured by foggy and translucent images of “heaven” created by our childhood imaginations.
Our biblical hope is a kingdom where everything wrong is made right. It will be a real place where real people find real fulfillment. Our perfect God will again bless our new home with the refrain that “it is good!” If the New Jerusalem hasn’t been on your mind lately, take some time to revisit the last two chapters of God’s Book and let your heart take hold of the gracious provision that is just around the corner for those of us who trust in Christ!