Three Kinds of Prayer
There are three primary settings for biblical prayer which should have priority in our lives. The first is a focused type of scheduled prayer (Mt.6:6). This is the kind where, like Daniel’s three times a day or Jesus’ predawn appointments, we plan to meet with God for a significant session of “pouring out our hearts before the Lord” (Ps.62:8).
The second setting for prayer is a team effort. This is when we meet with other Christians in groups to help one another direct our thoughts, intercessions and thanksgivings to God (Ac.12:11). Praying with others allows us to share one another’s burdens (Gal.6:2) and prompts us to express requests and concerns to God that would have never otherwise crossed our minds.
A third setting for prayer can take place in your life right now. It is the kind Paul called “praying continually” (1Th.5:17). These are the comments and request that should punctuate our lives as we reach out to our omnipresent God amid all the events and activities of our day (cf. Neh.2:4-5). Let’s make all three a priority as we seek to deepen our relationship and communication with the living God.
Focal Point Ministries thank you for everything you do for God’s flock!!