Trials and Prayer
When you are on the fence about whether to share your trial, your hurt or your burden with a brother or sister in Christ, be sure to remember the words of 2 Corinthians 1:11. The Apostle Paul would have us know that when we keep our struggles to ourselves we bypass God’s ordained support system for our lives and we even deprive God of a measure of praise that he would otherwise receive. Second Corinthians 1:11 tells us that we are truly “helped” by the prayers of our fellow disciples. For Paul his despair (v.8) was transformed into hope and perseverance (v.10)!
There is genuine strength and sustenance that is granted to us because of the intercession of God’s people. More importantly, 2 Corinthians 1:11 goes on to say that when the prayer circle for our hurts is broadened there are more Christians who end up giving thanks to God when his gracious answer to our team-praying is finally provided. So if you are in the middle of a difficult problem, be sure not to go it alone!