The “problem of evil” with which we intellectually grapple and are personally burdened will one day be a distant memory. God will “take his great power and begin to reign” (Rev.11:16). The world’s attempts at society will be set aside as heaven observes with relief: “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ” (v.15).
As Isaiah had foreseen God himself will “make the crooked straight” and “the rough places plain” (40:1-5). But in the meantime we are forced to wait for this great day of biblical vindication. Slander, deception and misunderstanding may rule the day but God prompts us to rest assured and not lose heart. Jesus told us, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (Jn.16:33). For now, as Peter directed may we “commit ourselves to our faithful Creator and continue to do good” (1Pt.4:19).
Excellent thoughts that we all need to ponder and remember so that we do not lose heart for God is still in charge of what goes on in our lives even while we are on this ball of dirt.
Thanks Pastor Mike! I would like to share this devotional on Facebook. Is there a link for that?
Straight from the lords mouth. As I found myself facing some of these situations today at my work place. It’s horrible how people can be so mean and go on as if they have done nothing wrong. Yes! Thank God for God and the hope of turning our face to him daily as we go on in this battle of life and this world. Thank you!