Who’s Responsible?
Ask any police officer (or watch any reality Cops show) and you’ll see just how creatively we humans can string together a list of excuses for any and every deviant behavior. From the inner-city streets to the therapist’s couch we have become experts in rationalizing why we do what we do, and why what we do really isn’t “blame-worthy” because it really isn’t our fault. Open the Bible and you’ll find no sympathy for that kind of thinking. Excuses are never received kindly in the pages of Scripture.
What God is looking for are people who will admit their transgressions and accept full responsibility for their sins. Biblical wisdom instructs: “Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy” (Pr.28:13). God is a merciful God, but his mercy and grace are not granted to those who do not accept ownership for their behavior. There may be many reasons for our sins, but there are ultimately no excuses.
May we all experience the extravagant grace of God as we consistently practice brutal honesty concerning ourselves, our words and our actions.