You are Rich
Some days, for any number of reasons, you may feel like you have nothing going for you. On days like that be sure to remember that as a Christian you are richer than you could ever imagine. Of course the riches I’m talking about are far more profound than dollars in your bank account. Consider the God-breathed words to a set of Christians in Corinth who, by the way, had a wide variety of serious problems. God reminded them through the Apostle Paul that they had been “enriched in every way” (1Cor.1:5).
When you really stop to ponder what it means to be a Christian it is hard to spiral into feeling sorry for yourself. You have been “enriched” with an incredibly valuable forgiveness through the sacrifice of Christ (1Pt.1:18-19). You have as your Father a God who has taken an unthinkable interest in your life (Lk.12:6-7). The Almighty God now considers you his own son or daughter (2Cor.6:18). And God’s interest and care for your life is something he has promised to never withdraw (Heb.13:5).
So on “one of those days” be careful to resist the temptation to throw a pity party, and remember who you have and who has you.