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Bible Answers

Christians & Christmas

Christians & Christmas

Should Christians Celebrate Christmas? Some people say that Christmas is born out of a pagan holiday and therefore Christians should not celebrate it. Pastor Mike addresses this question with biblical answers.


Christmas Giving

Christmas Giving

The relationship of Christmas with gift-giving may be bemoaned by many, but the connection is a biblical one. I am not referring to the crazed run through the mall in late December or the White Elephant gift exchange at the office party, but the concept of generously...
Christmas Plan

Christmas Plan

Christmas was required in God’s plan because the righteous life he requires was not attained by Adam or any of his fallen descendants. God, prompted by grace, chose to fulfill the holy human standard himself. The incarnate Deity chose to live the life we should have lived – the perfect childhood, the spotless...
Christmas Forgiveness

Christmas Forgiveness

In this season of giving and receiving gifts, let us never lose our focus on the incomparable grace that was bestowed on us when God decided to give us everything that was needed to free us from the consequences of our sins through the life and death of Jesus Christ. It would seem only right...
Pagan Christmas?

Pagan Christmas?

There are several modern-day Gnostics who, in the name of Christ, seek to dissuade us from celebrating the birth of Jesus each December. They go to great lengths to enlighten us regarding the pagan associations of the winter solstice, the worship of Druid gods, and idolatry...

Ask Pastor Mike Live

December 12, 2023

December 12, 2023

  Questions in this episode: - James 2:19 says that even the demons believe, and in 1 John 4, we as Christians can differentiate a true Spirit and a wrong…

Ask Pastor Mike


Christmas 2014-Part 1

Christmas 2014-Part 1

A Joyful December: Living Above the Clutter of Christmas Philippians 4:4-7
Christmas Clarity

Christmas Clarity

Enjoying the Presents Without Missing the Gift John 6:24-33
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