Praying for Sunday
You, Your Pastor, and the Next Sermon
When a church gets serious about interceding for biblical preaching, God inevitably does something great. Prayer is arguably the most underutilized weapon in the arsenal God has given us to see our churches empowered and Christ’s kingdom advanced. In this challenging little book, we are exhorted to pray earnestly for the transformational proclamation and eager reception of God’s word each and every Sunday.
“If you want to help your pastor preach, then pray. Mike Fabarez refuses to allow us to think of preaching as a mere skill of human accomplishment. A sermon brings ‘God’s people into divine encounter with the God who made all things. When God’s people pray for their pastor to be equipped for such moments, then preaching becomes something truly supernatural. The preacher will be strengthened by such prayer, and the people will hear sermons as they never before have.” – Bryan Chapell, President Covenant Theological Seminary
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