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The Old Testament Book of Psalms contains the most important song lyrics ever written. They are God’s words expressed through the pen of his select poets who were chosen by him to sing about the trials and triumphs of life against the backdrop of God’s eternal truth. The title comes from the Septuagint, the Greek translation of the Old Testament, and refers to stringed instruments or songs sung accompanied by stringed instruments. The ancient Hebrew title for this section of Scripture literally means “praises.”


The Psalms were written by various authors over a 1,000 year period and ultimately compiled into the Psalter we know today. These songs and prayers cover a variety of topics and forms. Because of this, God’s people can find comfort and encouragement for almost anything they are dealing with in their life. The Psalmists beg for God’s help, praise him for his mercy, extol his majesty, lament wrongs done to them, confess their wrongdoing, and thank God for his deliverance. It is no wonder that this is such a favorite book of the Bible for many Christians.

I am so thankful that God included the Psalms in his inspired word. No matter what we are going through in life there is a Psalm to help us. They encourage me during trials. They exhort me when I’m feeling tired. They remind me of God’s awesome power and majesty and they affirm his sovereignty over all of creation. I trust that these messages will help you in the same way.

Mike Fabarez



Book of Romans Overview


He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. Psalm 1:3

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Psalm 19:1

The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. Psalm 23:1


Written By: David, Asaph, Sons of Korah, Solomon, Moses, Ethan, Heman, and unknown authors.


Date: Between 16th-6th century B.C.


  • Majesty
  • Faith
  • Forgiveness
  • Blessing
  • God’s Sovereignty


Before you can even begin to study a book of the Bible, it is critical to understand why the Bible can be trusted. In Why the Bible? Pastor Mike Fabarez explores the claim that the Bible is God’s communication to mankind and why we can absolutely rely on it.


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Why the Bible? Free E-Book



Psalm 3: When In Doubt
Psalm 23: Following the Good Shepherd
Psalm 100: God is Good
Psalm 139: The Creator Knows You


Israel’s Greatest Hits Vol. II-Part 10 (Psalm 51)

White as Snow


One of the most heartfelt Psalms as David cries out to God for forgiveness after he is confronted by Nathan for his sin with Bathsheba. Be encouraged by the forgiveness we have from God when we confess our sin to him and are made white as snow.

Israel’s Greatest Hits Vol. I-Part 1 (Psalm 1)

A Life God Chooses to Bless


This opening Psalm sets the tone for the entire book. As Christians, when we abide in Christ and please God by following his instructions we are going to have a life that God chooses to bless.


Reflections on Majesty

Guilt & Forgiveness

Count Your Blessings

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