Questions & Answers 2022-Part 2
Pastor Mike answers questions about God, the Bible, and Christianity.
Questions in this session:
- How would you respond to Roman Catholics who use church history, church fathers and apostolic succession just as authoritatively as the Bible?
- How do you respond to a Christian who says they are homosexual but are not acting on it? And how do you deal with a family member who is a practicing homosexual without alienating them?
- How would you explain to a non-Christian how we can trust the Apostle John’s revelations, but not trust Joseph Smith’s revelations?
- How do you respond to someone that says you can’t speak truth to me because you don’t know me?
- Deuteronomy 23:3 says no Moabite may enter the assembly of the Lord, but in the genealogy of Christ there is Ruth a Moabitess?
- As a single person, how do you recommend dating and being respectful and not offending someone?
- Where do we find in Scripture evidence of a pre-tribulational rapture?
- How do we make sense of the imprecatory Psalms?
- What are we to think about women being pastors when we have some churches saying yes they can and some churches and denominations saying no they can’t?
- How would you prove to someone that Jesus is who he says he is?