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Questions & Answers 2024-Part 1

Questions & Answers 2024-Part 1

Pastor Mike answers questions about God, the Bible, and Christianity.

Questions in this session:

  1. How do we discern pride in ourselves and others?
  2. Where did all the different ethnicities come from after the flood.
  3. What is the biblical view on the “age of accountability”
  4. How does Satan have any authority on earth if dominion is giving to Jesus and humans?
  5. How do we talk to people involved with the Assemblies of God church regarding baptism of the Holy Spirit?
  6. The Bible calls King Hezekiah and King Josiah the greatest king, how can they both be the greatest?
  7. If Christians are saved, why is there a judgment day and what do we need to do to be saved?
  8. How do you respond to someone who says, that it would be better for a suffering child to die before the “age of accountability” and go to heaven rather than perhaps survive and have a chance to go to hell?
  9. How do you respond to people of the Greek Orthodox faith who say they are the original church?
  10. Should we watch tv shows or movies that glorify evil and denigrate good?
  11.  What does Paul mean in 1 Corinthians 6:12-13 regarding Christian liberties?
  12.  How do you go about preparing for a sermon?
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