Our mission at Focal Point is to explore and proclaim the depths of Scripture. Bible literacy is on the decline, so we want to help make your study of God’s Word as effective as possible. Below we have provided a variety of ways that you can dig into learning more about God, the Bible and Theology. We trust that through a greater understanding and knowledge of God that you will grow closer to him and will desire to be a more effective witness for him.
Study the Bible
There are over 25 years of verse-by-verse preaching from Pastor Mike Fabarez available on the Focal Point website. Pick a book of the Bible to start reading through and supplement your study with these sermons.
Pastor Mike’s material is sorted by Old Testament or New Testament book. Choose a book of the Bible and any sermon, broadcast, devotional or video will populate with any reference to that book. This is a great way to study a particular book, chapter or passage that you are interested in learning more about.
Pastor Mike’s messages, devotionals and broadcasts have been categorized by topic. So you can choose a subject you are interested in and listen to verse-by-verse preaching, devotionals, videos and more.
There are hundreds of hours of Bible teaching, radio broadcasts, Ask Pastor Mike, and Q&A messages all available for streaming online or download all for free. This audio is also available on the Focal Point App and our many podcasts.
For the visual learners, many of the sermons, Q&A messages, and Focal Point U sessions are available for video streaming right on our website. You can also access the videos on the Focal Point App. This is especially helpful for Bible study groups who want to watch a series and answer questions on the provided worksheets.
Pastor Mike has written a number of books, manuals, and booklets on a variety of subjects to help you grow in your walk with God. These books are thoughtfully relevant to our culture today and how Christians can navigate our world.
Pastor Mike encourages all Christians to read the Bible regularly. There is no better way to do this than with our Daily Bible Reading (DBR) schedule. On this plan you will read a passages from the New Testament and Old Testament each day that will help you read the whole Bible in one year. Download DBR
If you need some daily inspiration, you can read one of Pastor Mike’s devotionals. These short thoughts will encourage you on a variety of topics to power you through your day.
Each Friday on the radio, Pastor Mike answers a question submitted by our listeners. These responses are biblically based and will help you respond to others who have the same concerns and give you greater confidence in God and his word.
The Bible Answers section is a video collection of top questions that Pastor Mike has received. You can share these answers easily with a friend or on social media for those who are looking for answers.