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Defending Truth

First Peter 3:15 commands all Christians to stand up for the truth and defend the hope of the gospel. It also commands that this be done with “gentleness and respect.” Unfortunately, there is something about defending the truth that can


Followers of Christ always need to be on the look out for opportunities to stand up for Christ and to speak up for his cause. And the more sinful the culture, the more critical it is that God’s people exploit...

Altar Calls

Do we find any evidence in the Bible for altar calls?

Popular Christian Phrases

Pastor Mike discusses a popular Christian phrase: You are a Legalist, with Pastor Elliott and Pastor Lucas.

Today’s Gospel

Does today's Gospel line up with the biblical evidence for the gospel?

Altar Calls

Pastor Mike takes a look at the practice of Altar Calls and what the Bible has to say about them.

Babies and Salvation

The Bible tells us that no one will come to the Father except through repentance and trust in Jesus (John 14:6). But what about babies who don't have a chance to place their trust in Christ, what happens to them? Pastor Mike takes a biblical look at babies and salvation.
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