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Work Ethic

How we work says a lot about our relationship with God. According to the Bible, Christians are to approach their employment as a service to the King of kings. We are told that regardless of who our employer might be...


Working is a gift from God – a pre-fall, pre-sin, pre-curse gift. While sin’s consequence injected obstacles and pain into the equation (“the ground will produce thorns” leading to work “by the sweat of your brow” – Gen.3:18, 19), the commission to work preceded the fall...


Taking a break was God’s idea. It assumes we are diligent in our work. Even the statement he uses to institute a weekly break is couched in the reminder that we were never designed or commissioned for a life of luxury “six days do your work” but then we must...


In the Book of Proverbs God poignantly underscores the harm associated with laziness. Even the word translated in our Bibles to describe such people carries a stinging admonition. God calls us “sluggards” when we fall into patterns of being undisciplined, idle or unduly lethargic...

Not Meant to Idle

Especially in the midst of a societal slowdown, we as Christians must realize the high calling God places on our…


Accomplished athletes make their sport look easy. But for all of us who have tried to advance in a sport, we know there is nothing easy about reaching a level of proficiency in athletics. Some people can make godliness look easy. They seem to effortlessly love God and do what is right. But the Bible is clear that like athletics, reaching a level of proficient godliness requires a lot of hard work. Paul wrote, “train yourself for godliness” (1 Timothy 4:7). The word that

Earthly Jobs

The Bible calls all Christians to see their daily work at their so-called “secular jobs” as a series of sacred acts of service to our King. We must look beyond our earthly bosses...

Hard Work

The Bible has a lot to say about working hard, being disciplined, and fighting all slothful tendencies. The Christian work ethic we derive from the teaching of both the Old and New Testament leaves no room for leisurely lives...


Pastor Mike takes a look at how we should conduct ourselves as Christians.

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