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Hell. No one likes to think about it. The world attempts to dilute its force by using the word as an expletive or as an impertinent adjective. But much like tax day or a set of dire medical test results, not thinking about it or making light of it, doesn’t change its reality.


While the biblical data on hell may be denied by the world and now even large portions of the church, it would do us well as Christians to take heed to what the New Testament has to say about the pending judgment of God on an unbelieving world. It is hard to acquire the proper motivation for biblical service or gospel evangelism until we accept the sobering words of Christ regarding sin’s eternal consequences.


Attempting to dismiss the clear teaching of Scripture on this topic because it doesn’t fit our preconceived notions of God, or because we deem the whole concept archaic or severe will not do if we are going to let God define himself and if we claim his word to be the final arbiter of truth. We must grapple with this doctrine as we would any other, allowing it to shape our thoughts and our behavior. It will undoubtedly drive us to a deeper appreciation for grace and a more zealous involvement in advancing the cause of Christ.

This Post Has 3 Comments
  1. Thanks again Pastor Mike for standing for the Word of Truth. In this politically corrupt and spiritually depraved culture, we need your expository voice more than ever. Although God’s truth has never been popular in a sinful world, it needs to be preached. And we pray that God would draw the next one to Him, rescuing one more from the eternal flames of agony and torment. He does not want anyone to perish. 2 Peter 3:9
    And Revelation 22:20b “Amen, Come, Lord Jesus.”

  2. I’m looking for a message on what the OT believers (Jews) believed about hell. I have a Jewish friend who told me that Jews don’t believe in hell. I was dumbfounded and have search my Bible and an online Bible, but can’t find anything other than they believed in Sheol; i.e. the place of the dead.

    1. Sheol was to their understanding as Hell is to ours.
      Research all details of shell, and of hell
      Compare your translation, from Hebrew old test. Through hell, Greek, Hebrew N.t
      Remember also, where in the old test. Mentioned That He would not live his soul in shell, hell referring to Jesus being raised from the dead on the 3rd day.
      I think the comparisons of the two will come together as a place for unsaved or evil men
      Whereas paradise wS a holding place of the righteous until Jesus preached and rose on the 3rd day having many saints of old seen walking the streets.
      Now sense Jesus defeated Satan and took the keys of death, hell, and the grave from him. We saints go straight to heaven with Jesus at our physical death. Sinners, go straight to hell until that are raise
      up to stand before Jesus’s judgment. Then at the great white throne judgment All the dead come to have the their eternal, final
      When all is judged and Satan his followers, are all thrown into hell, which then is throne into the eternal lake of fire.
      That’s my understanding, hope it helps

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