Mike Fabarez consistently promotes a biblical worldview in a culture bombarding us with a “whatever-makes-you-happy” philosophy. His weekly devotionals point us to Christ and makes him the Focal Point of our week.
Bible Critics
February 11, 2021
Many brash and outspoken people in our society take pleasure in criticizing, maligning and disparaging the Bible – most of them have very little knowledge of what they are attempting to disparage. When I happen to be present to hear such remarks...
Authority of Scripture
February 4, 2021
Without an unswerving resolve to affirm that God has inscribed his authoritative voice on the pages of Scripture we are hopelessly lost on...
Jealousy of God
January 28, 2021
Jealousy is generally perceived as a human weakness. Few would want to be described as “the jealous type.” Perhaps that’s why many choose to ignore the fact that our perfect God has revealed himself to be perfectly jealous. Consider Exodus 34...
Injustice & Vindication
January 21, 2021
The world is filled with injustice. Our lives at times seem to be filled with it too. While we should always seek to pursue justice for the sake of the One who embodies it (Ps.97:2), there are many times when equitable solutions are not attainable this side of heaven. Thankfully, God has promised...
Bible Study
January 14, 2021
Second Timothy 2:15 records God’s call to “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” This well-needed reminder shows us that...
Faith and Fellowship
January 7, 2021
Fellowship with other Christians is more important than most realize. Even having the strength of an on-fire Apostle, Paul knew the importance of connecting with those who shared his commitment to Christ. He longed for time with other Christians. He saw the...
Fickle Feelings
December 31, 2020
Our feelings are fickle but God’s word is unchanging. There may be several factors, righteous and otherwise, which will influence our emotions, yet the Bible stands as our unalterable source of divine information providing eternal clarity regarding God’s values and priorities. This is why the Bible must...
The Great Exchange
December 24, 2020
The Bible tells us that “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). Jesus came to solve both problems – sin and death! Sin was paid for at the cross on that dark Friday afternoon. Death was conquered at the empty tomb early on Sunday morning. The point of the gospel is to have the payment of the cross applied to your...
Making a Difference
December 17, 2020
We cannot afford, nor should we ever be content to live unmotivated and unproductive Christian lives. God has endowed every one of his children with gifts, opportunities and resources to make a difference each day for the advancement of his kingdom and the good of his people. Many of our fruitless days have to do with a deficiency in...
The Sting of God’s Word
December 10, 2020
Some naively presume that good preaching should leave the congregation feeling good. But most seasoned Christians have come to realize that the best, most meaningful and effectual sermons usually sting, if not wound. God warned that the Scriptures are...
What’s Required?
December 3, 2020
Many have sought to discover the minimal Christianity required of them to “still be Christian”. “How much of the world can I love, or how much of my agenda can I pursue and still be okay with God?” they ask. Or, “Just how sinful, casual, or lukewarm are we allowed to be and still be saved?” Of course the Bible isn’t much help in answering these questions. The whole tenor of Scripture disallows...
Blessings and Faith
November 26, 2020
God’s blessings are great – God loves giving them and we certainly enjoy receiving them. But, one caution frequently underscored throughout the Bible is that we are to be careful that our hearts don’t learn to trust in them. When God graciously grants us...