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Questions & Answers 2023-Part 1

Questions & Answers 2023-Part 1

Pastor Mike answers questions about God, the Bible, and Christianity.


Questions in this session:

  1. How do we deal with a professing Christian about sin that they are unwilling to acknowledge?
  2. Is AI/machine learning dangerous? And what about pastors who use it to create sermons?
  3. What happens to us immediately after we die?
  4. In the Millennial Kingdom, why are there still sacrifices?
  5. Is it okay for Christians to do Yoga?
  6. Can we point to prophecies that have been fulfilled to prove God, Jesus and the Bible exist and are true?
  7. What is the New Perspective on Paul and is it legitimate?
  8. Should Christians get cremated?
  9. How can a holy God allow an evil satan to come into His presence?
  10. Is there an aspect of theology that would benefit Christians the most to fully understand?
  11.  Do you ever see Compass getting involved in K-12 Christian education?
  12.  What does it mean that we are made in the image of God?
  13. What does the verse in Jude mean about the Archangel Michael disputing over the body of Moses?


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