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July 2, 2024

Questions in this episode: - Are the sermons Jesus taught in Luke 6 and Matthew 5 the same? - How…

Life and Death

Death is a really big problem for us. The resurrection of Christ advertises to us the availability of the ultimate solution. Many misguided philosophers prefer to speak of the accounts of Jesus’ resurrection as metaphor...

Fleeting Life

Talk about perspective! The lyrics of Psalm 39 boldly prompt the worshipper to consider the brief nature of his or her time here on earth...

January 16, 2024

  Questions in this episode: - How do I know if the church I am attending is the right church…

October 3, 2023

  Questions in this episode: - After one has died, what happens to our body, is it just waiting or…

Funerals (Convert Kit Test)

It is remarkable that non-Christians, agnostics and staunch secularists turn into weeping and hope-filled theologians at their loved ones’ funerals. People that rarely give God a thought or ten minutes of contemplation take up the microphone and tearfully recite their poems about the fishing, feasting and frolicking in “heaven”. They speak confidently of


It is remarkable that non-Christians, agnostics and staunch secularists turn into weeping and hope-filled theologians at their loved ones’ funerals. People that rarely give God a thought or ten minutes of contemplation take up the microphone and tearfully recite their poems about the fishing, feasting and frolicking in “heaven”. They speak confidently of


Hell. No one likes to think about it. The world attempts to dilute its force by using the word as an expletive or as an impertinent adjective. But much like tax day


It is a popular platitude for people to say that “death is simply a part of life.” But in reality nothing could be more antithetical to life than death. From a biblical perspective, death is an intrusive and disruptive enemy



As Christians, we are called to persevere to the end, despite the ups and downs of life. So what does the Bible have to say about suicide? Is it an unforgivable sin? And how do Christians finish well in this mortal life?

Are You Ready?

There are times we realize life is short. We recognize that middle age or old age has arrived without our permission. Or perhaps we open the Bible and are reminded that no matter our stage of life, tomorrow is not promised or guaranteed. Instead we are told that our transient existence on this earth is like a

Burial vs Cremation

Many Christians wonder if cremation is an acceptable biblical alternative to burial. Pastor Mike takes a look at the biblical principles and practices of dealing with your body after you die.
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