Mike Fabarez consistently promotes a biblical worldview in a culture bombarding us with a “whatever-makes-you-happy” philosophy. His weekly devotionals point us to Christ and makes him the Focal Point of our week.
Exchanging Our Expletives
January 17, 2019
The dictionary defines “expletives” as “words with no meaning.” They are those words we blurt…
A Simple Cure
January 10, 2019
When, in Psalm 73, the psalmist finds himself frustrated by his daily struggles and aggravated by the inequities of life, it is amazing how quickly and simply his angst is resolved...
Reading the Whole Bible
January 3, 2019
Reading through the Bible, from cover to cover, on a regular basis is a critically important discipline for a healthy Christian life. With that said, it is important to distinguish this from reading for study...
Christ with Us
December 27, 2018
God has promised his kids that he would never leave them and never forsake them…
December 20, 2018
Epaphroditus is one of the many unsung heroes of the Bible. His name means “attractive”. And while we don’t know anything about his physical appearance, when we read the New Testament we quickly discover that he possessed a beautiful character...
December 13, 2018
It’s not just Thomas; every Christian has moments and even seasons of doubt. But the best prescription when doubts arise is to go back to Christ’s credentials and the reliability of the biblical documents. Consider the fact that our confidence...
Real Missions
December 6, 2018
The Book of Acts is a story about first century Christians who, by today’s popular standards, would be considered brash, judgmental, narrow-minded zealots who were fueled by some sort of spiritual imperialism devoid of any real empathy, care or compassion...
Prayer Requests
November 29, 2018
Be careful what you repeatedly ask of God. You can’t always judge a prayer by its answer. While it’s true that many times in his kindness God withholds granting what we foolishly or selfishly request...
Perspectives on the Unseen
November 22, 2018
To hold a biblical perspective on reality is to affirm that there is more to reality than what meets the eye. In fact, what you don’t see matters far more than what you do see. Paul writes...
Spiritual Sensitivity
November 15, 2018
The lenses of our eyes are extremely sensitive. It doesn’t take but a speck of dust to stop us in our tracks so that we can delicately and diligently work to extract the irritating particle. That’s what makes Christ’s illustration concerning...
Sharing Meals
November 8, 2018
God can accomplish a lot of good in the lives of his people when they take their meals together. Think of how often throughout the Bible a feast, a banquet, a breakfast, lunch or dinner serves as the setting for some profound lesson, as an opportunity...
Preparing for God’s Word
November 1, 2018
Responding appropriately to God’s word, whether it is being read or it is being preached, requires an important preparatory step that is often neglected. God’s word is said to be “living and active” and sufficiently able to have a transforming...