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Questions & Answers 2024-Part 2

Pastor Mike answers questions about God, the Bible, and Christianity. Questions in this session: Should we believe in a "young…

Questions & Answers 2024-Part 1

Pastor Mike answers questions about God, the Bible, and Christianity. Questions in this session: How do we discern pride in…

Imaginary God

Often we struggle with a variety of verses in our Bible reading because they grate against our preconceived ideas about who we believe God to be. That would never happen if...

How to Know God Exists

What are Your Spiritual Fitness Goals for 2024? As the percentage of people in our world who deny and reject the God of the Bible grows, now more than ever we need to get our spiritual fitness in shape. Start with the foundational understanding that God exists and that there are rational reasons to believe this to combat the growing secularization of our culture. Be sure to request the book How to Know God Exists by Josh McDowell with your generous donation this month.


he Bible presents us with a mathematical dilemma when we study the nature of God. From the beginning we are told that there is only one God. That revelation became the doctrinal rally point of ancient Israel – “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one” (Deuteronomy 6:4). And yet, also from the beginning, there has been a kind of uncontainable “plurality” to that one God. Not only do we find

Worship the REAL God

Worship and good theology must go hand in hand. When Jesus dialoged with the woman at well in John 4, he reprimanded the Samaritans with the words, “You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know” (John 4:22). Paul did the same when he spoke to...
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